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WFW: Psalm 86:11

It’s Word Full Wednesday! This is a day to post a verse from the Bible that God is speaking to you about for the purpose of giving Him glory. Make sure you link up at the Internet Cafe.

Just as I blogged last week, my verse this week comes from reading Lysa TerKeurst’s Made to Crave. The week that I am on with my small group talks about for every trigger in your life, you must match it with a truth. I know I’ve confessed that my relationship with food reminded me of adultery. Although I’ve not nor do I plan to have an adulterous relationship, I’ve seen it unfold and the Holy Spirit unwrapped some revelations with those observations.

Food for me was a calling for short term satisfaction. It promised comfort. I went for it and yes, for a moment, I felt satisfaction.

Then…came the guilt. There was no comfort. I believed and fell for a lie.

A lot of people and things are going to make promises and at first glance, they are going to look like great avenues to explore. My desire is to go to God first. He will show me what is true and what is a deception. That’s the hike I want to go on, the journey I want my life to be about.

No more dead end streets and back alley regrets.

WFW: Psalm 86:11

By the way, I’ll be serving up some Wipeout at the Devo Counter tomorrow at the Internet Cafe. Join me, won’t you?

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Theresa @ Heavenly Glimpses

Love this. That is my prayer!

13 years ago

TEACH me Lord!! I LOVE this! IF I were a tatoo kinda gal..this would be one i’d wear!
Oh and I hope they come and read your devo tomorrow…I LOVED, LOVED, LOVED it! (and so was the man cave article too! ;)) You are one gifted gal!

hugs girl!

13 years ago

May we all learn His ways and live a full life craving only Him.

13 years ago

May we be attentive as He teaches us the way to go. Great visual.

13 years ago

So very true. We were studying Ephesians this week, and as I studied I thought about how we tend to think of the ‘flesh’ only as sexual. But it is so much more than that.
As marriage models out relationship with the Lord, so too does anything that hinders/interferes with those relationships become adultery. (idolatry)

I really enjoy your posts. Always gets me thinking. 🙂