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Like Forrest Gump’s Mama

You know, there are days where the best blog posts are yet to come. It’s a busy week and I’m dealing with some medical stuff leaving me at about 75% on a good day. Jury duty looms. These things should give great blog fodder in days to come.

Today I have a little statement that reminds me of something Forrest Gump’s mom would say. You know, she’s the one that told him life was like a box of chocolates. She’s a wise woman.

Here’s my wise perspective: If you eat crayons, you’re going to get sick.

Thankfully I’m out of of the preschool stage so the crayon eating wasn’t a child, but I know that happens and I’m sure the results are the same. As I type I’m waiting for my Lhasas to come back inside (we’re fenced in so they go out for their business and to frolic) so I can give them both baths. One of them, I’m guessing the senior dog that looks and acts like a puppy thought it would be a great idea to sneak crayons off our daughter’s desk and snack on them. It wasn’t something we fed them by design and as soon as we found out, we moved her things even higher off ground.

But the damage was done.

A couple hours later they vomited. And this mama cleaned it.

It’s a stretch maybe for the imagination but isn’t that how God is? We make choices that are as smart as eating crayons. It’s sin and we think we can get away with it. But before long, we’re throwing up our consequences and Jesus in His loving way cleans up our mess. I’ve been there and I know I’ll be there again.

How about you? Is there a life lesson you have that reminds you of Forrest Gump’s mom?

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