
Starting Over

This time, I’m going to do it right.

No turning back.

Full steam ahead.

No worries.

No mistakes.

Wait a minute…

Isn’t that what we vow when we start over? I know I do, and when I say it, I mean it. Yet nine times out of ten I’ve made a mistake ten minutes after I proclaimed I was done goofing off. I meant it when I said I wouldn’t be afraid, or react with a chocolate laden meal, or get snarky with someone who seems just a tad more put together than I am.  The vicious cycle that it is, I’m often starting over.

As I am right here with this site. It’s a new beginning and in 24 hours I’ve made lots of errors. I tell people that is my life. I’m all about trial and error, mostly error.  This site isn’t any different than I am. There are going to be thousands if not millions with better sites than this one.

But not one of them was called to be Julie Arduini writing as the “Surrendered Scribe.”

I’m still putting things together here and it is going to take awhile. I’m doing as much as I can as fast as I can. But I wanted to let you know I’m here and I’m moving forward. The surrender theme is as relevant for me in 2011 as it was when I started blogging “back in the day” four years ago.

I’d love for you to join me, it’s our surrender journey. Bookmark, subscribe, in time I’ll have it available on Kindle, whatever you can find here that works to keep you coming back, let’s go for it. If you could tell others, bless you. Even after all these years I still have that ego fear that only my mom is reading and I know not even that is true. I keep moving around on her.

So here it is, the first post. I can’t wait to share more about me and the writing fodder around me.


Let’s do this thing.

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14 years ago

Excited for you Julie! I’ll definitely be following (and joining in) your surrender journey.

14 years ago

Looking great Julie!

Kaye Swain@SandwichGeneration

Hi Julie, Looking good! I’m looking forward to hearing more about your Kindle plans and how you’ll go about it. 🙂 Have a blessed day.

12 years ago

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