Thankful for Every Breath by Denise Oldham
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Thankful for Every Breath by Denise Oldham

Julie’s note: Denise’s post was to run November 20, but I wasn’t able to access my site because in a pure genius move, I left my laptop at my mom’s in Upstate NY. This post falls under better late than never. I know you will enjoy Denise as much as I do! I truly give…

Thankful for the Things That Are Easy to Take for Granted by Linda Maran
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Thankful for the Things That Are Easy to Take for Granted by Linda Maran

I am thankful that I can walk in the park, smell the scent of pumpkin pie baking, taste the meals I prepare, use my arms to hug someone who needs it, and my hands on the computer, speak my voice in words orally or in my writing, and listen to the din of the city…