Unlikely Merger Latest Book from Write Integrity Press Authors
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Unlikely Merger Latest Book from Write Integrity Press Authors

You’ve been asking when the sequel to The Love Boat Bachelor is coming out. Well, I have some answers. First, let’s admire the pretty cover. Because I’ve read all the chapters but the ending (because YOU get to vote for the hero you want to see in the end) I think it’s a perfect cover….

So Many Places to Go: COTT Guest Post by Gail Pallotta
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So Many Places to Go: COTT Guest Post by Gail Pallotta

Guest post by Gail Pallotta Julie’s note: I’m part of the Clash of the Titles (COTT) blog alliance. Each week I feature an article from that site. COTT allows readers to choose their favorite snippet from their favorite authors…without knowing who their author is until after voting. Go visit them and learn more, voters are…