Star Song: They Met Jesus by Katheryn Maddox Haddad
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Star Song: They Met Jesus by Katheryn Maddox Haddad

  STAR SONG Novel #1 of THEY MET JESUS   Star Song is the Christmas story, the first of eight lyrical novels on the life of Christ through the eyes of one hundred people who met and struggled with him. What is a lyrical novel? It is one that is written to teach lessons.  To…

Star Song by Katheryn Maddox Haddad
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Star Song by Katheryn Maddox Haddad

From Julie: This is an excerpt from Katheryn Maddox Haddad’s Star Song, Book 1 of her 8-book series “THEY MET JESUS”. Look for places where you can “talk” to the characters.   “Mary…” Gabriel grows more serious. “Mary, you are a very favored lady, for the Lord is with you and has decided to wonderfully bless…

Sabbath Sunday: When I See a Cave
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Sabbath Sunday: When I See a Cave

Every time I see a cave, I think of the empty tomb. I think about Jesus. What were His first thoughts as He looked and saw the linens? The angels as they received that assignment and positioned themselves? The guards, when the cave started to shake? Mary, when she realized the tomb was empty? The…