Give the Gift of Adventures in Odyssey Club
With the purchase of a new 12-month membership in the Adventures in Odyssey Club, you will receive the NIrV® Adventures in Odyssey Bible. This special limited time offer provides more than $140 value for just $107.88. Offer available through December 31, 2019. Once you complete the purchase a new 12-month membership in the Adventures in Odyssey Club,…
Adventures in Odyssey: Christmas Fun Pack
It’s Focus on the Family’s Free Resource of the Month! Join your friends from the town of Odyssey as they go room to room at Whit’s End getting everything ready for the big Christmas celebration! Follow the story and enjoy: Printable activities Games Family devotions Recipes (including a Christmas-y Wod Fam Choc Sod!) Ornaments to…
Give a Fresh Gift this Christmas with Lume
A few months ago I told you that I signed on as an affiliate for Lume because I finalllllllyyyy found a product that helped my over-producing hormone self. Their deodorant has been a life-saver as I sweat so much it was nothing for me to change clothes three times a day. I rubbed potato on…
Emotional Triggers from Christmas Past
Before I share my proverbial heart on my sleeve, I have to ask—have you finished the Christmas Christian Fiction Scavenger Hunt? There are 26 of us participating, and the prizes total over $500 in Amazon gift cards. You do NOT want to miss out. CLICK HERE to START. You only need to watch the news…
Christmas Scavenger Hunt Round-Robin: Restoring Christmas
Merry Christmas! Welcome to the Christmas Round-Robin! At each author’s blog post, you will find a question that can be answered by checking out the free Amazon preview of their book. Provide the answer at this Google Form. Note: You must answer the questions for every author in the round-robin to be considered to win. The prizes…