Don’t Miss This: Dance Over Me by Candee Fick
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Don’t Miss This: Dance Over Me by Candee Fick

Dance Over Me by Candee Fick Danielle Lefontaine, a fledgling actress raised to the lullaby of Broadway, searches for her long-lost brother and her place on the stage, but a jealous cast member and numerous fruitless leads threaten to drop the curtain on her dreams and shine a spotlight on her longing for a place…

Sapphire Secrets Character Interview with Dawn V. Cahill
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Sapphire Secrets Character Interview with Dawn V. Cahill

Julie’s note: Yesterday I featured SAPPHIRE SECRETS by Dawn V. Cahill as this month’s Don’t Miss This feature. Today Dawn shares an interview with the two main characters from her novel. Take it away, Dawn! Two amazing young women are visiting us today.  Please help me welcome identical twins Livy and DeeDee McCreary, singers and…