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New Growth Press’ Spirit of Giving Children’s Book Giveaway

New Growth Press’ Spirit of Giving Children’s Book Giveaway Who doesn’t love giving and getting books for Christmas? (If you don’t, we may need to have a talk!) Books are a great gift, especially for children. Not only do we want to encourage the love of reading and give them stories they will enjoy, we…

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Thankful Series: Day 17 (+#Giveaway!)

We’re more than halfway done with the month and guess what? I’m still thankful. How about you? Are you looking around noticing people and things that you don’t want to take for granted? Today I’m grateful to be an indie author, and there’s a few reasons why. This is an industry that has skyrocketed in…

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Thankful Series: Day 16 (+#giveaway update)

All this month I will be watching on Facebook, Twitter, Instagram and my new subscribers for my monthly-0r-so newsletter. If you tag me @JulieArduini and tell me you’re #thankful or #juliearduinithankful, I’ll enter your name to win a copy of my fiction books. This includes Entrusted, Entangled, Engaged, You’re Beautiful and the boxed set of…

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Book Review: Ellie Claire Art Journals

As I continue my month-long thankful series, I have to say I LOVE the opportunity to review products. Whether it is books, movies, family products, or music, I enjoy sharing what I think in hopes it helps someone else trying to make a decision, or, making readers aware of an item they otherwise wouldn’t know…

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Thankful Series: Day Fourteen (+#Giveaway News!)

All this month I will be watching on Facebook, Twitter, Instagram and my new subscribers for my monthly-0r-so newsletter. If you tag me @JulieArduini and tell me you’re #thankful or #juliearduinithankful, I’ll enter your name to win a copy of my fiction books. This includes Entrusted, Entangled, Engaged, You’re Beautiful and the boxed set of…