Side by Side in God’s Battle by Holly Hrywnak
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Side by Side in God’s Battle by Holly Hrywnak

Thankful Post: Side by Side in Battle By: Holly Hrywnak   1 Samuel 14:6-7 “Jonathan said to his young armor-bearer, “Come, let’s go over to the outpost of those uncircumcised men. Perhaps the Lord will act in our behalf. Nothing can hinder the Lord from saving, whether by many or by few.” “Do all that you have in mind,” his armor-bearer said….

Clash of the Titles: Vote for Your Favorite Read
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Clash of the Titles: Vote for Your Favorite Read

  Clash of the Titles’s Newest Gems   This November Clash of the Titles presents a fantastic selection of brand new books to check out. Add an American classic, a biological science fiction with suspense, young adult, inspirational romance and Amish story to your to-be-read or Christmas wish list   When Mountains Move by Julie Cantrell  …

Thankful for God’s Timing by Elizabeth Maddrey
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Thankful for God’s Timing by Elizabeth Maddrey

I’m Thankful for God’s Timing   For the last six years, November has been a month of true thanksgiving in my family. Sure, we always did the Thanksgiving thing – up to and including some activities that made me cringe as a teenager with my mom trying to encourage us to share the things we…

Cold Turkey by Pam Ford Davis
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Cold Turkey by Pam Ford Davis

Cold Turkey We use the expression to describe a sudden cessation of a bad habit. We resolve to quit smoking, drinking of alcoholic beverages or other addictive behavior. Bravely, we decide to go it on our own, declining outside assistance of support systems or medications to take the edge off the withdrawal. “I think I…

Thankful for Health by Beth Ann Farley
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Thankful for Health by Beth Ann Farley

This year I am most thankful for my health. It was in January 2013 that I was diagnosed with Idiopathic Nephrodic Syndrome and I thought I was going to be ill for the rest of my life. Here I am, ten months later with my recent lab work showing that all my kidney levels are…