Hope Amid the Pain by Leslie L. McKee

Q&A with Leslie L. McKee:
Where did you get the inspiration for your book?
Hope Amid the Pain is based on my own experience of living with chronic pain and illness for over twenty-five years. Friends often told me that I needed to share my story, but I was always reluctant to do so, until I finally listened to God’s nudge to write my book.
What was the inspiration behind your book title? How did you come up with this acronym for HOPE (Hang On to Positive Expectations)?
Years ago, before I started writing the book, my pastor did a sermon on HOPE, and it’s something that has always stuck with me, especially on the days when I’m having a flare-up. I needed something to grab on to, to remind me that God still has a plan. This little acronym has helped me through many days, and I hope it can help others, as well.
Is this your first devotional book that you’ve written? Will there be more?
HOPE Amid the Pain is my first solo book. I have had my devotions published many other places, including three devotional compilations with Worthy/Ellie Claire, literary journals, and blogs (my own, as well as others’). I’ve had flash fiction stories published, as well.
I do hope there will be future books. I have a few ideas, and I’ve even started working on what may become a 365-day devotional journal. It’s still a work in progress.
I also have a few possible ideas for flash fiction or short stories, but those are in the early stages.
What main message are you hoping to convey to your readers?
Hope Amid the Pain is a 60-day devotional journal that will remind women living with chronic pain and illness that they’re not alone in their struggles. It is possible to hang on to positive expectations and cling to the hope that can only be found in the Lord … even while living with chronic pain and illness.
How many bookshelves/books are in your house?
Way too many! Official bookshelves? Ten (various sizes), but that’s not including the books piled in front of those shelves, in milkcrates, lining the stairs, still in boxes or plastic tubs, etc. 😊 My husband did not enjoy the amount when we moved a few years ago. He was quite excited when I got a Kindle years ago, but I still enjoy and prefer print books.
Apart from writing, what is your favorite creative outlet?
I enjoy playing piano, crocheting, and reading (which is probably no surprise 😊). I also enjoy Bible journaling.

Leslie is an editor, author, and reviewer, but editing, writing, and reviewing are not merely jobs—they are her passions. Leslie is an avid reader with an eye for detail. Leslie has been a chronic pain warrior for more than twenty years, so she is familiar with the peaks and valleys associated with living with a chronic illness. She has felt God come alongside her through His Word and remind her that the battle is His and she’s not alone. Leslie is a member of American Christian Fiction Writers (ACFW) and The Christian PEN. Her devotional journal (HOPE Amid The Pain: Hanging On to Positive Expectations When Battling Chronic Illness and Pain) was released on October 26, 2021, with Ambassador International. She has had devotionals published in Ellie Claire/Worthy Publishing compilation books, and she’s also published flash fiction stories. In her spare time, Leslie enjoys reading, playing piano, crocheting, spending time with family and friends (and her turtle!), and rooting for the NY Giants. You can find Leslie at www.leslielmckee.com or on Facebook, Twitter, and Instagram @leslielmckee.
Social Media Links:
Website: https://leslielmckee.com/
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/leslielmckee
Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/leslielmckee/
Twitter: https://twitter.com/LeslieLMcKee
Goodreads: https://www.goodreads.com/author/show/7300724.Leslie_L_McKee
Amazon author page: https://amzn.to/3aXGTkU
(@leslielmckee on Facebook, Instagram, and Twitter)
Thanks for having me here today, Julie! I hope you and your readers have a blessed Christmas and New Year!
My pleasure, Leslie! A Merry Christmas to you and your family as well.