America of We the People by Terry Overton

My new release, “America of We the People,” is a book that profoundly touched my heart as I wrote the words. It is my first attempt at a Christian poetry and short commentary book. But I was compelled to write this book more than any other book I have written to date. You see, my dad earned three purple hearts in the Korean War, something to this day he seldom speaks of. My grandson is currently serving in the 82nd Airborne and returned recently from a deployment to Iraq. His best friend from high school was inside the Kabul airport gate the day it was bombed, and we lost thirteen servicemen and women. My son is a firefighter and works all hours to rescue people in need.
As a conservative Christian, I write books to examine world events through a Christian worldview. Most pressing on my heart lately has been observing what is happening in our country and around the world. It was especially heartbreaking on August 26th and 31st as we witnessed servicemen and women who were sacrificed in their effort to protect people from terrorism in Afghanistan. The following hasty withdrawal of our troops, who were there to protect others, was quite disturbing.
For days, I was upset. Christians, United States citizens, and Afghans who helped our military personnel, have been left behind. There is little effort for rescue. These events, and the thought of the women and children who will now be targeted because they were left behind, is upsetting.
I penned this short work to honor our servicemen and women, veterans, police, border patrol, state troopers, and first responders. It was written and dedicated as a show of respect and appreciation. It was also written in memory of those who perished on 9-11 and all those who perished fighting for our freedom. One way to honor these amazing heroes is to partner with a foundation that assists disabled veterans, first responders, and the widows and families of these heroes. I have partnered with a terrific foundation. A portion of the sale of each book or ebook is donated to Tunnels2Towers Foundation.
If you believe in our country, know veterans or first responders, I would appreciate you telling them how much they are valued. We would not be here had they not stood guard for us.
Here is a short excerpt of the types of verses in “America of We the People.” This is from the poem, “Gold Stars in Heaven” and is about the thirteen who lost their lives on August 26, 2021.
Tonight, in peace the soldiers shine
These Stars of Gold now are Thine
They twinkle gold and light our night
Shining down from heavens bright
And pray if more Gold Stars join these in heaven
They will be for Your purpose given
Goodness will grow round the world
And respect felt when our flag unfurled
Here is an excerpt from “A Wounded Eagle”
Our Father once again is weeping
And wonders “Why are my people sleeping?
If they change their evil ways and come to me
This nation will be strong, and free”
Crickets are the only sound
Heard across this hallowed ground
And in their graves the soldiers cry
“Please help them Lord, our freedom dies”
Fall on your knees this day and pray
Dear Father don’t let us end this way
Please tell us now what to do
To return to freedom and honor You
This collection includes a few satirical poems about big tech, vaccines, and other social issues. There are poems referencing leaders from around the world such as Churchill and Mandela. The book closes with finding hope to move our country back to God.
Should you happen to read a copy of the book, as any author, I would love to know your thoughts. Here are the links to the book and to my webpage, Facebook page, and blog.

Terry Overton is a retired university professor of educational and school psychology. She has an Ed.D. in Special Education and a Ph.D. in Psychology. Her professional experience includes teaching public school, teaching at the university level, and being a college dean. She has two children and six grandchildren. Her writing and publication experiences include textbook and journal articles in the fields of special education and school psychology. She seeks to answer God’s call to share the good news and grow the church by writing Christian books and devotionals. Her book Both Sides of the Border is a Firebird Book Award winner in the categories of Cross-Genre, Socio-Political Fiction, and Women’s Fiction. She and her husband live in the southern tip of Texas where they enjoy semi-tropical weather, playing golf, and spending time with their friends and family.