Proverbs 9:10 Ministries (Includes Podcast)

We are Christine Paxson & Rose Spiller. Co-founders of Proverbs 9:10 Ministries, co-hosts of the Podcast, No Trash, Just Truth, and co-authors of books, No Half Truths Allowed – Understanding the Complete Gospel Message (book & study guide released on May 8, 2020) and The Bible Blueprint – A Guide to Better Understanding the Bible from Genesis to Revelation (due out Spring 2021)
We both come from different backgrounds, but in 2009, God brought us together by putting us both at the same church. The friendship was instantaneous; and out of that friendship has grown a partnership and passion to serve the Lord by learning, discipling, teaching, writing, and speaking.

About four years ago, we felt led to create Proverbs 9:10 Ministries. We chose that title because Proverbs 9:10 says, “Fear of the Lord is the beginning of Wisdom; knowledge of the Holy One is understanding.” The only way to grow in your faith and in wisdom is to know God! And the only way to truly know God is to study Scripture. We saw a deep need for Biblical literacy while we attended a church that had did not put a high priority on knowing Scripture, doctrine, or theology. Sermons and Bible Studies offered there were little more than moral lessons and self-help sessions. This ignited in us both, a passion to help women move away from the garbage that is being pedaled as “Women Bible Studies,” but is instead, false teaching that is dumbing women down with fluffy, often times heretical nonsense that is much more about the individual and her victories, than about learning the Bible or understanding and glorifying God. Our motto for our podcast says it all, “Taking out the trash of false teaching and replacing it with Biblical Truth.”

We had both been teaching Bible Studies for over 20 years, but it was at this time, that we felt God leading us to begin to write our own Bible Studies. It was out of one of those studies that the book, No Half Truths, was born. Along with need for deeper study and more knowledge of the Bible, is understanding and being able to articulate the complete Gospel message. The Gospel message is the life-saving, life-giving, life-transforming message that every human being of every age needs, and is the central message of the entire Bible! It’s crucial that we get it right so that we are not selling those we witness to, and more importantly God, short. Just like false teaching, there are a lot of false gospels out there and they are often used in Christian circles on a regular basis. In the book, we go through many of these false gospels, and point out why they are not the Gospel. Besides explaining every facet of the true Gospel message, the book also gives a solid foundational theology, with chapters on each of the three Persons of the Trinity and touching on a few essential doctrines.
No Half Truths Allowed – Understanding the Complete Gospel Message has recently won bronze in the “Illuminations” award for theology! We are very excited about this honor and pray our book continues to bless those who read it!
Next, in the very near future, is the release of our second book, The Bible Blueprint – A Guide to Better Understanding the Bible from Genesis to Revelation. The original release date was February, but with Covid, production was pushed back to this spring. The Bible Blueprint divides the entire Bible chronologically into six easy to read sections. It provides a basic understanding of Scripture as a complete story that links all the various books together. It gives an overview of each book, touching on highlights and some of the amazing and significant events in each, while helping with comprehension of the more difficult sections.
And everyone is always welcome to check out our podcast, No Trash, Just Truth, for weekly 20 to 30 minute episodes. The audio podcast is available on all major podcast platforms, while the video version is available on YouTube and Rumble.
May you all have a blessed day!

Chris & Rose are co-founders of Proverbs 9:10 Ministries and co-hosts of the No Trash, Just Truth Podcast. They have been teaching Bible Studies for over 20 years and have written many of their own studies. Along with teaching together, they also speak at conferences and retreats. Both have graduated from the “Dimensions of the Faith” Program from Gordon Conwell Theological Seminary; and continue their seminary studies by taking online classes through Reformed Theological Seminary and through Biblical Training’s “Institute” Program.
Chris resides in Lancaster County with her husband of over 31 years, John. They have twin sons in the USAF. Rose and her husband, Ed, have recently sold their home and now live full-time in their RV to travel between their four children and eight grandchildren.
Besides their first book, No Half-Truths Allowed – Understanding the Complete Gospel Message, Chris and Rose have a second book, “The Bible Blueprint – A Guide to Better Understanding the Bible from Genesis to Revelation, is due out in spring of 2021. They are in the process of writing their third book.