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Book Review: Restore by Robert Cheong

What’s your story? Each of us has a unique one—a way of weaving together past experiences, relationships, and current joys and sorrows to make sense of our lives. But if we live our stories without looking to the master Storyteller, we get lost and confused. Changing deeply held patterns of living and loving happens as we find our place in God’s great story and learn to trust his love and care for us.  

In Restore: Changing How We Live and Love, pastor and author Robert K. Cheong shows us that because we have been united to Christ, we can draw near to God, enjoy his love, and live with new patterns and life rhythms. This thirteen-week study guides participants through creating their own storyboards that will connect them to God’s overarching story and help them to rethink, reframe, and move forward. As participants discuss, do response activities, and learn to meditate on God’s Word, they will reconnect with God and reignite their love for him and others. 

God knows you and he cares for you. Through this study you can be confident God will reframe how you see and experience life, as well as how you see and experience him. Christ will restore your soul as you abide in his love and find rest in him. God will redeem your story as he takes what was meant for evil and uses it to free you to love him and to live for him.

Restore is a 13-week journey where readers use the framework of Jesus and His Story (history) to discover their own healing through journaling and Scripture. It’s in-depth without feeling overwhelming, encouraging, and wrapped in God’s word. I’m very impressed with how the study is laid out and easy to follow, even if hard to address what may come up as God reveals during these weeks.

With “hurt people hurting people” more than ever and because of Covid, home more than they ever planned to, this is the perfect time to work on wounds and find healing as only Christ can give. I think Restore is the perfect tool to use. I highly recommend.

To purchase,

I received a copy for review. I wasn’ compensated and all opinions are my own.
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