Surrendering Control by Michelle Griep
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Surrendering Control by Michelle Griep

I’m a control freak. No, really. All my toilet paper rolls are lined up like little soldiers beneath the sink in the bathroom. Spices in the kitchen cabinet are in alphabetical order. Even my bookshelves are ranked according to genre. Organization is practically my middle name—until puppy Ada Clare entered my life and changed that…

OAC: Win a Trip to See the Newsboys in Dallas!
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OAC: Win a Trip to See the Newsboys in Dallas!

Want to be entered for a chance to win a free trip for four to hear the Newsboys, the award-winning Christian music band, in Dallas? Sign up to be a part of the movement to protect religious freedom for future generations: Bring Your Bible to School Day! Students from kindergarten to college will be bringing their Bibles to school…

Kolleen Lucariello: A Friend Who Refreshes
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Kolleen Lucariello: A Friend Who Refreshes

A Friend Who Refreshes by Kolleen Lucariello As we flip our calendars from August, ushering in September, we say farewell to our summer vacations and hello to the season of back-to-school, cooler temperatures of fall and one of the highlights of our home: football. Here’s another bonus of September: it’s also Women’s Friendship Month and…

Surprised by Tears by Teri Wangard
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Surprised by Tears by Teri Wangard

Surprised by Tears Five years have passed since my mom died. Her final years brought significant back pain from a narrowing of the spinal column, or something like that. We used to range far and wide on bicycles; she had to give up bike riding. She stopped driving. She couldn’t even go for a walk….

COTT: Jennifer Uhlarik Crowned Olympia Champion
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COTT: Jennifer Uhlarik Crowned Olympia Champion

  Many deserving competitors entered the fray. One became the victor!   Congratulations Jennifer Uhlarik, 2016 Olympia Award Champion. We took a few moments to get to know Jennifer a little better, and now here’s your chance to do the same: Jennifer Uhlarik discovered the western genre as a pre-teen, when she swiped the only…