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The Least Likely Heroine Part 2

So? Who do you think Brent Teague should propose to? You’ve met some of the heroines, but don’t guess yet because there is still another week to meet the others. You’re going to have a big decision to make because all the ladies are great.

If you’ve missed the chapters Write Integrity Press has been releasing, catch up here.

Here’s the scoop: Then, on the afternoon of February 4, we’ll open voting for readers. YOU get to choose the one heroine you think makes the perfect fit for Brent. Your votes will decide the final chapter of the book.

Voting will take place Feb 4-7. Then, on Saturday, February 14, the book will be made available on Kindle FOR FREE for FOUR days – Saturday, Sunday, Monday, Tuesday.

I love reading about romantic getaways as much as you do. Whether the locale is full of lush palm trees or snow capped mountains I get caught up in the story.

Thing is, my own vacation life hardly reads like a romance. Today I thought I’d share another cruise related story and give you a look at how I’m the least likely cruise heroine.

The second cruise was just me and my husband. As we waited for the plane to taxi I could feel my stomach churning, my mind filling fast with irrational thoughts.

  • What good parent leaves their kids for vacation?
  • What if the plane goes down?
  • Did I pack more than one bra? (See Monday’s post)

My husband, ever the plane enthusiast, is watching all the excitement out the window, not realizing the storm brewing in my mind.

We arrive and all is well.

The waters were rough and I needed a Dramamine. In the movies and romantic books the couples are able to stay up late, eat whatever and just have fun.

I took a 4 hour nap.

In my imaginations, the heroines try new things.

I ordered chicken every night.

My knees are bad so when I’m around water on a deck, I slow down to a near halt. Not quite the sight of Baywatch beauties, is it?

But you know, as least likely as I am as a heroine for a book, I was God’s choice for my husband. Even with my irrational thoughts and chicken tendencies, he still wants to travel with me. Tell me about his day. Steal away for lunch.

To me, that’s the most romantic story of all.

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