Defining Thankful by Sue A. Fairchild
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Defining Thankful by Sue A. Fairchild

DEFINING THANKFUL By Sue A. Fairchild Merriam-Webster’s dictionary describes “thankful” as being “conscious of benefit received.” For me, the definition doesn’t seem to say enough about this word. Being conscious of a benefit we have received is a good thing. It helps us to say “Thank you” and to show appreciation. It helps us not…

Thankful for Home and Family by Laura V. Hilton
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Thankful for Home and Family by Laura V. Hilton

Thankful for Home and Family by Laura V. Hilton I signed up to write a Thanksgiving post, and then life hit. This went wrong, then that went wrong and I’m still reeling from the blows when I get an email notice—oh, I need to write a blog post. And it’s due yesterday. Guess I’d better…

Looking for Rays of Sunshine by Melanie D. Snitker
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Looking for Rays of Sunshine by Melanie D. Snitker

Looking for the Rays of Sunshine By Melanie D. Snitker   I’m not going to lie: The last couple of months have been rough in my household. We’ve had a lot of challenges that, in combination with lack of sleep, made the day-to-day things seem a lot harder than they should have been. When we…

I’m Thankful by Linda Hoover
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I’m Thankful by Linda Hoover

I’M THANKFUL I try to be thankful every day, but this month of Thanksgiving provides a time to truly focus on what we’ve been given. I can never thank God enough for his saving grace and all the benefits that come with being his child. Family, church, friends and God’s provision for our daily needs…

I am Thankful by Linda Maran
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I am Thankful by Linda Maran

I am thankful for finally having a novel published after many years of effort and work. I always wanted to have a book published in the traditional way and am grateful for the blessing. The Stranger When Kristen Esh loses her mom in a tragic accident months before her 18th birthday, she suddenly finds herself…