Trusting for Tomorrow by Jennifer Arrington
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Trusting for Tomorrow by Jennifer Arrington

Trusting for Tomorrow by Jennifer Arrington Behind the story… For the latter half of my twenties and into my thirties, I suffered from unexplained health problems. I went from doctor to doctor and was diagnosed with everything ranging from depression to chronic fatigue syndrome. Since I didn’t think I was depressed and because there was…

That Black Moment

That Black Moment

As I wrote in my last post, I still write. Barely. I don’t understand my lack of motivation because I LOVE my Surrendering Hearts series. I am so proud of the first book, ANCHORED HEARTS. I am OVER THE MOON for Book 2, REPAIRING HEARTS. But I have wasted a lot of time not writing….

Behind the Scenes of Driver Confessional by David L. Winters
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Behind the Scenes of Driver Confessional by David L. Winters

Behind the Scenes of Driver Confessional David L. Winters   Behind the Scenes When I decided to write a Christian suspense novel about an Uber driver, the obvious first step included registering with the company as a ride-share driver. Fortunately, my Chevy Impala fit well into my new part-time job and the plot of Driver…