Coffee with Kathy
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Coffee with Kathy

One of the things this site offers is the chance for guest bloggers. By agreeing to the guidelines and signing up through SignUp Genius, I love interacting with the bloggers and authors who share their content and hearts. Today is a little bit different, but I’m excited to introduce you to blogger and author Kathy…

2010 vs 2020

2010 vs 2020

Years ago I remember talking with my in-laws about when 2000 would happen. My sister-in-law said she was already creating official paperwork at her job where the dates were already in the 2000’s. Not only did that fly by, Y2K was two decades ago. I can’t believe it’s 2020! I thought I’d look back at…

The Best That I Can

The Best That I Can

This happened a few years ago, but a bad day or an overwhelming sense of failure can take me right back. It was winter, and I had our youngest with me, running errands. She was pre-school age, and because of chronic health issues, was delayed in several areas. The pre-school component she was attending under…

Julie Arduini: New Look!

Julie Arduini: New Look!

Throughout the year I’ve shared my Curly Girl journey and the haha-make-sure-you-don’t-announce-you’ll-never-go-gray-or-God-laughs-and-your-hair-color-stops-taking. Both experiences have taught me a lot about myself and what I’m capable of if I put my mind to it. In this case, the new look I have is at I wanted a simple but appealing look that says who I…