A Mommy By Christmas by Donna Schlachter Includes #Giveaway

A Mommy By Christmas by Donna Schlachter Includes #Giveaway

A Mommy By Christmas: Book 2 of A Christmas Ridge Romance series Tasmyn Wright, consigned to remain single if that’s what God wants, is lonely. Maybe she needs a fur-pet. On a whim, she visits the local animal shelter. A delightful man about her own age helps her choose her new housemate, a long-haired calico…

Terry Overton: Both Sides of the Border

Terry Overton: Both Sides of the Border

This debut novel by Terry Overton was the recipient of the Firebird Book Award for Cross-Genre, Socio-Political Fiction, and Women’s Fiction (April 2021). Both Sides of the Border reveals the truth about the state of turmoil and threat in Mexico and the untold stories of immigrants, or “travelers” who bravely hopped aboard “el tren de…