Trial and Error, Mostly Error
There was a lot I should have been doing, but I decided to play with my website instead. I’ve been blogging since 2007 and I’ve learned everything from trial and error, mostly error.
These days I use Host Gator to host my site, and I’ve had zero trouble. From there, I’ve went with a WordPress site, the not free kind. I paid for my domain name, so you found me through
I always use templates, and Jinsona is the author I go with. He designs clean templates that are what I’m looking for, so I don’t look elsewhere.
I say all that to say I changed my site look. If you receive this post through a feed, I triple-dog-dare you to take a look and see.
Click here.
Thanks, as always, for reading.
Yeah, I’ve been blogging since 2007 also, and have learned it all the hard way. Really interesting new design, I like.
Love the attitude you presented through your statement on learning through trial and error. The courage to risk, the courage to fail, is a necessary component to success. I wonder how many people miss out on God’s best for them because they are bound by fear. Oh, stretching and learning can be so uncomfortable, but soon, new roles fit well. Until they become too tight and God must stretch our boundaries again.
I heard this analogy once: Pause to consider Samuel. Each year, his mother brought him a new robe. I imagine he swam in it, because… Read more »
@JenniferSlattery Thank you for that, because it was a risk. My husband is a programmer/web developer and I was intimidated to try. Thing is, his work is different and he admitted he could never do what I’ve tried. I remember the days I didn’t even know how to link, but I was determined to try. Go for it, friends!
@CharlotteRDixon Thank you! I’m so glad you checked it out.