A2Z Meme Starts Today with—Arduini. Can You Pronounce It Yet?
I remember wishing I was part of the cool gang back in the day because they had this, that, and the other going on. My mom would encourage me by letting me know I was a late bloomer. Well, some things haven’t changed. LOL
Last year Patty Wysong had a fun meme going on where once a week bloggers posted on the letter of the week. Her readers had so much fun they asked to do it again with Round 2.
I missed Round 1 as a blogger, but late bloomer that I am, I’m here for Round 2.
Each Tuesday (or really any day if you forget) bloggers post on the letter that week. We start with A today and by July, we’ll end with Z. I have the button on my sidebar if it helps you remember or if you want to grab it.
I’d love for you to join the fun. It’s a great way to learn more about your blogging friends, and challenge yourself.
So, here’s my “A”—
That’s my last name, courtesy of a great husband with Italian heritage. I don’t know as much about the genealogy as I’d like to, but I remember hearing that my father-in-law taught his dad English. My FIL has told me over and over what part of Italy he is from, but I forget. I also know he makes his own sauce that my step-daughter can make, and he is a master when it comes to Italian cookies.
As you can imagine, the last name is butchered. When I did radio work I’d always spell it phonetically to help. This is how you pronounce my last name—ARE-DUE-WE-KNEE
Were you close?
Don’t worry, my mom hasn’t been able to pronounce it right. Most people say it like her, ARE-DWEEN-KNEE. Poor mom, we always laugh. She gives up and just calls us the Linguinis’, our joke from when I first met my husband’s family and that was our name for them. Who knew I’d go on to meet their son and marry him?
I also know when I’m receiving a sales call, because they ask for ARE-DOE-KNEE. That’s not it, and the mispronunciation tips me off every time.
Social media has expanded my knowledge of the Arduini name. A couple years ago on Facebook a girl named Julie Arduini requested my friendship, letting me know she was my homonym. Turns out she is younger than me and lives in France, but her grandfather apparently came from Italy. Julie doesn’t know English that well, and my French is sparse, so when I write her, I bring out good ole Google Translate.
Then I received another request from Arduini Around the World. It’s a Facebook group that is simply that, Arduinis around the world. Most are from Italy but it’s been fun to see where everyone comes from. On Twitter I met an Anthony Arduini from Pennsylvania that is not my brother-in-law, Tony. It truly is a small world.
When I moved to Youngstown and our son interviewed for Youngstown Christian School, the administrator said we’d fit right in. His joke was that most families in the area have last names full of vowels. There is definitely an Italian influence in the area and it’s fun to learn all the names.
So that’s my A—Arduini. Can you pronounce it yet?
I love this post.
@DeniseOldham Thank you Denise, I love this meme idea and it was fun to kick it off with Arduini.
Glad you’re joining us for this round, Julie! And I’m glad to read this, too. Love the linguini joke! I was mispronouncing your last name (as AR-DWEE-NEE), but will get it right now!
I look forward to reading more of your posts!
I was close… I pronounced it ARE-DUE-E-KNEE. My last name is boring… Henson. And before that it was Meyer. Only jokes we had were about hotdogs and bologna. Enjoyed your post!
Glad to have you join us this year, Julie. When my daughter married someone whose name begins with a silent “K”, she commented that she would be spelling her last name for the rest of her life. Bless your heart, you get to spell it, pronounce it, and spell is phonetically. Now that’s true love. Arduini is a fun name to learn and to say! Great post.
Fun post! Enjoyed hearing a bit about some of your background. Glad you joined the meme! Thanks for the name pronunciation. I’ve been saying it: are DOO nee. Even though my last name is pretty simple and straightforward, the telemarketers usually still get it wrong, and call us Willy instead of Wiley. They also get all confused about my dad Lynn being a male.
Fascinating! What a perfect start for the series!
Actually, I’m Barbara Lynn Culler. Don’t know why it posted this way!
@blc228 Thanks! It was fun to write.
Hmm, I’m not sure. It’s a new comment system so I’m getting used to it. @blc228
@Amy Wiley I can see why people confuse Wiley, I scratch my head over how many people say Julie wrong. Would you believe I’ve been called and referred to as July?
@budandnancy1 I know over the years my signature is pretty sad because it’s so much to write. Given my real name is Juliann, that makes one long signature!
@Melissa Henson We have something in common, then. When I was pregnant, co-workers wanted me to name our child “Oscar Meyer” Arduini.
@shelleyledfors Too funny, Shelley. Now my mom isn’t alone in how she pronounces it. It is a hard one, but we can’t stop teasing her. LOL
Welcome! Glad you are jumping in for part 2… I’m late, as you can tell!
Our dear friends have one of those oft-mangled Italian surnames as well… Cardile. Not Card-eye-le, but Car-dell-ee. It’s one of those things that makes me glad I married a Turner. Although we both go by nicknames of our middle names, which causes all sorts of confusion anyway!