Sabbath Sunday: Cross that Bridge
Each Sunday I share my own amateur nature picture with a word about God’s love. This is a great picture I remember from a couple years ago where calendar wise Spring was around the corner. Snow remained the dirty blanket we know is past time to get rid of.
Time for change.
Time for new beginnings.
I know for me when those opportunities come after my praying, whining and wishing for it, I hesitate. What if’s dot my landscape and if I let them linger, they threaten to take over.
Already this month we’ve made decisions that are new ground for us and require faith steps. I can’t see what’s over the bridge and through the trees.

Today in an homage to Indiana Jones I saw a scene from the TNT movie Librarian series. The lead character and female colleague are on a narrow ledge that has a moving wall closing in on them. They are out of options.
When they jump they realize it isn’t to death, but to a life saving clear floor that leads them to a better place.
If you’re where I’m at—ready to leave a winter season and start something new but the what if’s and fears are starting, take the jump of faith in Christ with me. He finishes what He starts and will not leave or forsake you.
Happy Sabbath Sunday!