My Dad is…

My Dad is…

Earlier this week I was working outside and realized my entire time was accompanied by the sound o f a neighbor’s chainsaw. The more I focused on it, the more comforting it was. Clearly, my mind isn’t geared to the horror movie genre. Anyway, I wanted to figure out why was that sound pleasant to…

2010 vs 2020

2010 vs 2020

Years ago I remember talking with my in-laws about when 2000 would happen. My sister-in-law said she was already creating official paperwork at her job where the dates were already in the 2000’s. Not only did that fly by, Y2K was two decades ago. I can’t believe it’s 2020! I thought I’d look back at…

Thank God for Memory by Patti Shene
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Thank God for Memory by Patti Shene

THANK GOD FOR MEMORY Two deaths in the space of four months—first my mom in February, then my husband in June—labels 2016 a tough year in my history book. Death of a loved one is never easy, but to experience two losses in such a short period of time is like having the ambulance transporting…

Creating Lasting Memories by Jennifer Slattery
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Creating Lasting Memories by Jennifer Slattery

They say when you reach the end of your life, memories play back like snapshots.   Images of your first best friend, your first doll house, your first day of school … your first surprise birthday party.   I was five or six, young enough to have little concept of time, when my parents decided…