Fulfilling a Promise: Broken Wings by Dianne Price
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Fulfilling a Promise: Broken Wings by Dianne Price

Julie’s note: When the call went out to authors asking to help Ashberry Lane promote one of their authors, it’s one of those questions you don’t have to think about. You make time. You give the space. Please read on. Leave a comment and I’ll randomly choose one person to receive a free e-copy of…

COTT: Blowing on Dandelions by Miralee Ferrell
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COTT: Blowing on Dandelions by Miralee Ferrell

  This week, Clash of the Titles, presents Author Miralee Ferrell’s latest release. It’s “a powerful novel that blends the warmth and heart of historical romance with a deep exploration of difficult family dynamics.”     Blowing on Dandelions Book 1 – Love Blossoms in Oregon by Miralee Ferrell ABOUT THE BOOK:  In 1880 Oregon,…

COTT: Announcing Clash Winner Laurie Alice Eakes and Flight of Fancy
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COTT: Announcing Clash Winner Laurie Alice Eakes and Flight of Fancy

The Winner of our October New Releases Clash is:     A Flight of Fancy by Laurie Alice Eakes A hearty congratulations to Laurie Alice! We had a tremendous response for this Clash. So many said they wanted to vote for and loved all of the books. A special thanks to the other authors for…