This is 54
Every year since I’ve had this domain I have shared a birthday post. Yes, today is my 54th birthday. Earlier this month I had an author marketing event with my birthday theme, but that wasn’t the actual day. Wow. 54. I still remember high school highlights and college fun. The fact those things were over…

Aivan: The One Truth by Kayla E. Green
Rune sunk to the ground in despair. Hot tears rolled down her face. How could she leave the temple with no vision? How could she face the elders? How could she admit that she had doubted the gods and was now being punished? She had her future planned out, but, instead of coming to fruition,…

Word for 2022: Reclaim
Merriam-Webster defines reclaim as follows: Definition of reclaim transitive verb1a: to recall from wrong or improper conduct : REFORM b: TAME, SUBDUE 2a: to rescue from an undesirable state also: to restore to a previous natural state reclaim mining sites b: to make available for human use by changing natural conditions reclaim swampland 3: to obtain from a waste product or by-product : RECOVER reclaimed plastic 4a: to demand or obtain the return of b: to…

Her Sanctuary, His Heart by Michelle Dykman
How does total devastation affection our faith? Five years ago, Braelyn Kane’s daughter died. Her marriage imploded, and Forest Hill became Braelyn’s sanctuary. She’s praying for her new life to start, but she doesn’t know where to find it. Five years ago, Drake Kane became lost in overwhelming grief, and he lost his heart to…

Two: Why I Believe
\ I started a series Monday on why I am a Christ follower. In simple terms I want to share the ways Jesus has proved Himself true and why I make Him a daily part of my life. I believe because He has healed me. I believe because He has not. When I was little,…