Christmas, Characters and Diabetes by Ann Brodeur

Christmas, Characters and Diabetes by Ann Brodeur

Christmas, Characters and Diabetes By Ann Brodeur One of my favourite seasons of the year is Christmas. There isn’t much I don’t like about it: music, lights, decorated trees, watching children open presents, attending the church children’s presentations and Christmas Eve candlelight service, and sledding in the snow. Then, of course the other things I…

Invisible Illness Week 2015: I Fight Against Ignorance
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Invisible Illness Week 2015: I Fight Against Ignorance

I’ve told this story before, but I  think it explains invisible illness so well that I think it’s worth repeating. Hopefully you take away the lesson that when you look at a person, you probably aren’t getting the entire picture. Our daughter was three years old and just starting to stabilize from chronic conditions. Her…