Meet Pia Hertz from Love’s Belief By Linda Shenton Matchett

Meet Pia Hertz from Love’s Belief By Linda Shenton Matchett

Resistance to Axis occupying forces took many forms in the various countries overrun by Germany. In France, an unassociated collection of cells performed acts of sabotage, distributed underground newspapers, passed intelligence to Allied troops, and helped escaped POWs and downed servicemen get out of the country. Considered one of the strongest movements of the war,…

Alive from NY FREE Livestream Saturday
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Alive from NY FREE Livestream Saturday

Alive from New York LivestreamMay 4, 20192:30 pm – 4:30 pm– All times for this event are in Eastern Standard Time (EST) “Alive from New York” is a Focus on the Family event designed to celebrate the sanctity of human life; marvel at the wonder of human development in the womb; and encourage advocacy for women facing unplanned pregnancies…

2017: Year of Transformation
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2017: Year of Transformation

How was your Christmas? Ours was wonderful. We spent time with family, and although not a lot of snow, it was a white Christmas. Now it’s time to reflect. That’s what I do each year after Christmas. I think about accomplishments, goals, adversities, the tears, laughter, pictures, I take it all in. I consider the…