Unexpected Opportunities by Dr. Richard Mabry
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Unexpected Opportunities by Dr. Richard Mabry

I’m thankful that, when I was terribly burned out with the private practice of medicine, God gave me an unexpected opportunity to take the position of professor at a prestigious medical center, where I was privileged to serve for 10 more years. I’m thankful that, after my wife of 40 years died suddenly, God put…

Featured Video of the Week: Stranded by Dani Pettrey
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Featured Video of the Week: Stranded by Dani Pettrey

Each week I utilize a video function on my right sidebar to highlight book trailers. I try to use American Christian Fiction Writers (ACFW) and/or Christian authors. This week the video is from Bethany House, Stranded by Dani Pettrey. Book 3, Alaskan Courage From the Back Cover When Her Friend Goes Missing, Every Minute Counts Darcy…

How the Surrendered Scribe Got Started: A Scavenger Hunt Story
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How the Surrendered Scribe Got Started: A Scavenger Hunt Story

I’m happy to be part of a group on FB that features ACFW (American Christian Fiction Writers) where the members are part of the Ohio chapter. Carole Brown is one of those members, and she’s having a scavenger hunt today. A bunch of us are part of the hunt stops. I’m sharing three clues, and…

Featured Video of the Week: The Redemption of Caralynne Hayman by Carole Brown
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Featured Video of the Week: The Redemption of Caralynne Hayman by Carole Brown

The video this week is a little different, but don’t let that stop you from checking it out. Carole Brown’s book trailer for The Redemption of Caralynne Hayman is hosted on Animoto, and doesn’t seem compatible with my right sidebar. You will see the link in place of the video, and I hope you watch…

Featured Video of the Week: Amber Schamel’s The Healer’s Touch
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Featured Video of the Week: Amber Schamel’s The Healer’s Touch

Amber Schamel’s trailer for The Healer’s Touch is this week’s featured video. You can check out my right sidebar each week to watch these short clips from ACFW (American Christian Fiction Writers) authors. About The Healer’s Touch: Aaliyah’s last chance at winning her husband’s love is destroyed when she is banished from her home as…