2017: Year of Transformation
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2017: Year of Transformation

How was your Christmas? Ours was wonderful. We spent time with family, and although not a lot of snow, it was a white Christmas. Now it’s time to reflect. That’s what I do each year after Christmas. I think about accomplishments, goals, adversities, the tears, laughter, pictures, I take it all in. I consider the…

Come Fly With Me by Katheryn Maddox Haddad
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Come Fly With Me by Katheryn Maddox Haddad

A Child’s Life of Christ: COME FLY WITH ME Storybook #8 in Series THEY MET JESUS   This book centers around Jesus’ appearances to his apostles an what they did after he went back to heaven. In storybook 8, your children meet….   *10 Apostles where they learn about people not being believed because what…

Adventures in Odyssey: Celebrate Odyssey’s Birthday!
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Adventures in Odyssey: Celebrate Odyssey’s Birthday!

Can you believe Adventures in Odyssey is 30 years old? Some of my favorite married memories have been going on trips and my husband and I tuned into Family Life Network to listen to Adventures in Odyssey. Whit, Connie, Eugene, Bernard….they weren’t just characters to me, they were friends. Even though the kids are mostly…

Book Review: The Coronation by Livy Jarmusch
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Book Review: The Coronation by Livy Jarmusch

Prince Addison is only several weeks away from inheriting the Kingdom of Tarsurella. The entire Palace is ablaze with excitement, as the Royal Family prepares for the event of a lifetime. Despite the exciting event which is near at hand, Addison and his younger siblings (all seven of them!) must carry on with their daily…