More Insights from Starry Starry Night by D.K. Till

More Insights from Starry Starry Night by D.K. Till

Interview with Tree, time-traveling heroine from Starry Starry Night, Book I in the new series Time Passengers. Hello, Tree. I understand you hail from the year 2120 and the newly formed nation of Normerica. Hello, friends. Yes, Normerica was formed in 2070 and combined the US, Canada, and Mexico into one big nation. And you…

Trusting for Tomorrow by Jennifer Arrington

Trusting for Tomorrow by Jennifer Arrington

  On the spectacular coast of Jupiter, Florida, Katherine Douglas has finally established a stable environment for her family following the devasting loss of her husband. Together with her young girls, she is gaining confidence and finding snatches of joy in the carefully planned routines of their altered lives. When Katherine develops an unexpected friendship…

To Be Honest…
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To Be Honest…

To Be Honest…blogging as we knew it back in 2007 isn’t the same. That’s approximately how old this site is, minus server changes. I have about 3k posts through those years. When I started blogging, my pre-schooler was overcoming many health issues and challenging us as she became verbal. She’s 21 and a college student….