
How You Doin’

How You Doin’? It’s a phrase from Friends Joey Tribbiani that I remember any time it comes to feelings. I think one of the most surprising things to come from 2020 is that we’re in 2024 and we are overall not okay.

Politics aside, we thought we were staying inside for a couple of weeks, tops. We were told to do this, but then that. That changed, and then so did this. Add over here, but also that.

As we were able to emerge from our homes many lost loved ones. Their jobs changed. School felt different.

It’s been brutal. I have always been an introvert, but I’ve had to really press in when I know I’m going to be around big crowds of people. I have zero fear of illness, it’s just the mass of people when I was without a crowd for so long. I’ve come across extroverts who are the same. There is life PC—pre Covid, and life AC, after. And I’m at a place where I want to do something about it.

One step I took was reading Untangle Your Emotions by Jennie Allen. I learned after my mom’s death in 2021 that I had stuffed my feelings for decades. It’s my go-to. I stuffed it literally with food, but I also ignored my feelings and soldiered on. The saying “pain has to go somewhere” reigned true. Stuffing got me nothing but a gastrointestinal storm. It’s not how anyone should live.

Jennie’s book mentioned an app that I wanted to check out. How We Feel is a free app that allows you to check in and find your feelings. Each feeling is a puzzle piece shape with a definition and you can share what you’re doing at the time of check in, who you are with, and where you are. There’s also a place where like social media, you can add friends and share your update, as little or as much as you want, with friends.

I’m a fan of this app. It’s easy to use, doesn’t take long, and it has really opened my eyes to my feelings. They have videos every so often that are well done and informative. There are stats that give all kinds of breakdowns, no pun intended. If you love charts, the more you check-in, the more you learn.

By adding friends, if I check in that I’m in a highly unpleasant place, it alerts my friends, and they can check in on me. I love that.

It’s time to shake off the isolation and all the ick 2020 came with. It’s time to rise up and stand strong. If you’d like to download How We Feel, you can add me through friend code 010285. Please understand I’m not a counselor nor does this give you personal access to my life. There are many helps included in the app that can give you resources. The friend option to me allows my friends to see how I’m doing and lift up a prayer, and I can do the same.

I’m finally feeling alive again, and in some ways better than ever because I’m slowing down to feel, noting it, and sharing. I hope you’re feeling the same.

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