
Always Think of Me by Lori Keesey

About Lori Keesey: Her Writing Inspiration

A story that Lori Keesey wrote and illustrated about three puppies lost in a hatbox piqued Lori’s interest in writing at the tender age of six. And an introduction to Scout Finch in To Kill a Mockingbird many years later sealed the deal. Lori decided then that she wanted to write fiction.

Many, many years passed—and hundreds of novels were read—before Lori realized her goal with her debut novel, Always Think of Me, which releases in April 2024.

In addition to writing the novel, Lori launched The Accidental Blogger, which spotlights everyday people who overcome adversity. Lori has authored two short stories, “Robert’s Prayer” and “The Note.” Both stories are free to those who follow her . . . as is an exclusive monthly letter, Something to Chew On.

About Lori Keesey: Her Professional Experience

Lori Keesey considers herself among the lucky. Recently retired, Lori enjoyed a 40-plus-year career as a writer and now has time to pursue her childhood dream of writing fictional characters who make a difference.

She’s written for daily newspapers and trade publications and her freelance work has appeared in regional and trade magazines, specifically those specializing in space exploration. Yes, Lori was a space junkie, and worked for NASA in public outreach for nearly 20 years.

She graduated from the University of Maryland, College Park, with a B.S. in journalism. There she met Kevin Berry, whom she married in 1980. She is the mother of three boys and one dog.

A devout porch sitter, nothing makes her happier than looking at her view of the Chilhowee Mountains and Smoky Mountain National Park.

Born in Washington, D.C., Lori now calls Walland, Tennessee, home.

About Always Think of Me

Sometimes love gives you a second chance. Sometimes it doesn’t. And sometimes it returns in a way you could never imagine.

Tyrus Cal, TC to his friends, had no plans to leave his party boy life, but when he met Ginny at an outdoor music festival, he fell. Hard. He brought out his best stories to charm her, and she returned the sentiment with long-buried secrets about her traumatic past.

When their budding relationship ends abruptly, TC moves on, assuming he won’t get a second chance with the captivating Ginny. But then he does. Just not in the way he expected.

Now he’s on an otherworldly mission to see her again. But that means overcoming his doubts, his fears, and stopping Ginny from doing the unthinkable.

Always Think of Me is an uncommon love story about friendship and do-overs and features a perspective on life that can set us free.

Check out a sample from Lori’s blog: https://lorikeesey.com/dogs-are-people-too/

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