My Dad is…
Earlier this week I was working outside and realized my entire time was accompanied by the sound o f a neighbor’s chainsaw. The more I focused on it, the more comforting it was. Clearly, my mind isn’t geared to the horror movie genre. Anyway, I wanted to figure out why was that sound pleasant to me?
It reminded me of my dad.
I took that train of thought further. What senses do I use that have memories attached?
I thought I’d share what I came up with. My dad’s been gone for 16 years. I know not everyone has a great relationship with their dad. If you feel that “burn in your belly” to reach out, I hope you do. If there’s someone who has been a great father-figure, be sure to tell them.
Julie Arduini
My Dad is…
The sound of a chainsaw
A glimpse of a snowmobile
The victory of a turkey hunt
The sound of a turkey call
The sight of shredded wheat
The smell of peanut butter on crackers
A snowplow at work
The remote landing on The Weather Channel
Any old country song
The memory of t-shirts with a front pocket
A donut shop
The shiver of a cold morning
The giggle behind any stupid-funny movie
The chat between good neighbors
A walk by the MouseTrap game
The feel of a deck of cards
The smell of a mowed lawn
How about you?