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I Stopped Asking for Prayer…

Let me finish that.

I stopped asking for prayer requests.

Did you notice?

Every so often across social media I would use an image like this and ask if anyone had any prayer needs. I noted I would be happy to pray. I probably did this for years, my guess between 2016 and earlier this year.

The response? I had in all those years a handful. The good news was I wasn’t looking for numbers or stats. I offered to pray and some people took me up on it. It was my honor to do so.

So why did I stop asking for prayer requests?


Years ago, probably around 2016, in my own prayer time, I believed God showed me that a shaking was on the way. It would be global. It would affect every facet of life. In that season things done in dark rooms would be exposed. Corruption would be brought to light. Justice would be served. It would be in world leadership. Politics right down to the city level. The education system. Banking and finance. The church.

The church. I don’t mean only the Catholic church and the snickers from the Protestants. I mean the Body of Christ where there is no denomination but the Blood of Jesus and the Cross at the center. For years I have prayed and read from other prayer warriors that the message was the same. A shaking was coming to reset the Body of Christ.

As I pressed in, I felt my role was to prepare. I believed I was to ask for prayer. If anyone wanted to hit reset and return to their relationship with God, awesome. Maybe some people had no idea what knowing God was about and wanted to learn more. Yay! Perhaps some knew they were doing all the right things on the outside, but their inside was full of choices that missed the mark—AKA sin—and they were tired of hiding it.

That window was for anyone willing for to Jesus knock and know they could answer the door.

A few months ago I knew my time to ask was over. It by no means stood for the time to pray stopped or that repentance or going to God stopped. It meant people could hit the easy button, and that button is done. Now the shaking, whatever form that takes, is here. It’s not a cruel joke but it is a harsh truth.

—Julie Arduini

We are a world spiraling out of control. And like Noah’s Ark, God has to reset us for our own good. It’s a time when life is going to squeeze and we can fall on our knees and confess or the squeeze I believe falls harder.

I’m seeing it already. You are too.

World leaders stepping down, no notice. CEO’s retiring out of nowhere. And the pastors. That is absolutely what I saw in prayer years ago about the shaking. I just didn’t know who, how many, or details.

If you aren’t in the know, Megachurch pastors Dr. Tony Evans and Robert Morris have stepped away/resigned and have admitted to in Evans’s case, sin from the past. With Pastor Morris, it has been made public that years ago he stepped away from ministry because he confessed to an inappropriate relationship with a young woman. He went through a restoration process, the victim agreed to the process and his ability to return to the pulpit. From there, he became a beloved pastor with an international ministry.

The truth? It was no young woman. It was a child. A minor. That kind of relationship will never be consensual. It is literally a crime.

And the church covered it up.

That’s the things done in dark rooms you’re going to see more and more. I believe it with all my heart. There can be no revival until we face the reality we put God in a box and stuffed Him on a shelf to collect dust. We’ve idolized man and self and the results are catastrophic.

For those who believe Jesus is this surfer hippie who never gets angry, blow the dust off your Bible. He gets angry. His heart beats for children. And He is DONE with the mockery where clergy are treated like rock stars and HIs Father is reviled. Where we switch up the Bible to fit our narrative and tread lightly so we don’t hurt feelings. He. is. DONE.

—Julie Arduini

You’re going to see more of this. I’ve been down a lot of rabbit holes since 2016 and there’s a reason the border wall is such a hot topic. Open borders bring in children. Open borders bring in traffickers.

Why is Diddy’s legal trouble so big? Because like Epstein, he took video of every party. Guests were in altered states and compromised positions. Then those guests were owned/blackmailed. Whatever they were told to do, they did it. There are a lot of names that I believe will rise to surface from those videos. Diddy isn’t even top-level. I believe we’re going to learn the leaders of those operations.

They will be names in business. Names in entertainment. Names in politics. Names in churches.

And if we are not right with God, those revelations will devastate. Because at the core of it will be the realization children were treated like property and absolutely unspeakable things have been done at the hands of these people. It will shake us to the core.

It has to. It has to wake us up.

The amazing thing about God is the shaking is not the end of our story. We can at any time go to Him and confess. We’ve been selfish. Unaware. Greedy. We’ve made idols out of people, sports, and food. But God. We can go to Him and ask His forgiveness and allow Him access to reset us. From there, the journey won’t be easy, but it will be good, because God will be in it. We invited Him to. I believe the greatest revival in history is around the corner.

We just need to be shaken first.

I’m praying. I’m confessing anything He brings up to me, and He is.

But out of obedience, I’m not asking for prayer requests.

I pray this post encourages you. If need be, convicts you. And if you are in a place where you’re making dark choices where you think no one knows, you are seen. Your sins are known. They will be exposed. Out of love. Out of justice. I pray you surrender your life and all that’s in it, good, bad, ugly, to the God who can take the worst sinner and transform them into something moving His Kingdom forward.

Paul in the Bible knows.

Same for Peter.

And me.

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