An Interview with Heidi Glick

Interview with Heidi Glick
Julie, thank you for allowing me to be a guest on your blog.
Which of your books was your favorite to write? Why?
My favorite books to write are the ones on which I am currently working. The books are part of an environmental thriller series I started many years ago (tentatively titled, Queen City Heroes series). I put the series aside to work on other projects but have returned to it. This series is my favorite because the characters are so enjoyable to write about.
What advice do you have for aspiring writers?
I would recommend aspiring writers attend writing conferences (online if in-person is not an option), read books on writing, join a professional writing organization, and finally, practice writing and submit their work to an editor or a critique group.
What is your favorite Bible verse? Why?
My favorite verses are Isaiah 26:3-4 and Lamentations 3:31-33. These verses remind me to trust God, but also, they remind me of his compassion and unfailing love, even in the midst of trials.
How many books have you written?
I have written two novels and one novella. Dog Tags was released in 2013 and is available on Kindle Unlimited. In June, Hold for Release came out and is on sale through the end of October for $1.99 through Amazon Kindle. Finally, my latest release, 12 Days, is a romantic suspense Christmas novella. The novella is available for preorder on Amazon.
Are you a pantser or a plotter?
I’m 80-90% plotter. I normally plot most of my stories. With my latest work in progress, I am pantsing more than usual. I prefer to plot so my story requires less editing. However, I can’t edit a blank page, so for the sake of time, I am pantsing some of my latest story. In terms of plotting, I like the structure of Save the Cat Writes a Novel by Jessica Brody.
How does your “real job” influence your writing?
I recently started line editing for Scrivenings Press. Editing influences my writing because the more I practice editing, the more my writing improves. However, I will always need an editor.
How much time do you spend in research before you write a story?
The amount of research I conduct depends on the story and the plot. My current series requires quite a bit of research. I might spend a week or two on research depending on the story.
12 Days blurb:
Scott Newton retires from the sheriff’ s office after a fellow officer is killed. Wracked by sorrow and the need for justice, Scott grows distant from his girlfriend, aspiring crime writer, Lindsay Billings. But, when Lindsay goes missing, and Scott discovers her research on the missing person cases thought to be the work of a serial murderer known as the Christmas Killer, Scott vows to find her at all costs. Police have never found the bodies of the people who went missing many Christmases ago, and Lindsay won’t become just another statistic.
Then, someone kills again in Blanchardville. Police locate a corpse atop one of seven inflatable swans on a pond, and another body in a pear tree. Scott receives odd texts from Lindsay’ s phone and deduces they’ re from the killer.
In order to save Lindsay, Scott agrees to meet the madman and play his game. As time runs out, Scott must learn to trust in God again, no matter what.
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Heidi Glick has a B.A. in biology from Cedarville University, a Master of Technical Communication from Utah State University, and a passion for writing Christian fiction. Additionally, she is a member of American Christian Fiction Writers and Faith, Hope, and Love Christian Writers and has written two articles for Intercom. Before becoming a suspense writer, Heidi taught science to middle and high school students and edited science documents. Heidi resides in rural Northwest Ohio with her husband, two children, and six pets.
Hi Heidi! Congratulations on another book release. I’m ready to read Christmas stories.
Congrats on the new book. Looks fantastic!
Congratulations on your new book release, Heidi! I enjoyed reading it, and I look forward to reading your Christmas book.
Barbara, M. Jean, and Karen, thank you for the comments. I love Heidi’s work and this book looks amazing. Stop by again soon!