Body Revelation by Alisa Keeton

Body Revelation by Alisa Keeton
Book Review by Julie Arduini
First appeared August 4, 2023 at Christians Read.
Do you sometimes feel as though your body is a problem to solve? Discover how to make it part of the solution instead. It’s now known that the emotional and relational pain we’ve lived through has a profound negative physical effect on our bodies. Alisa Keeton, popular fitness professional, proposes that the reverse is also true: What we do with our bodies can have a dramatic positive effect on our emotions, relationships, and our connection with God. In The Body Revelation, she shows us how to use our bodies as a means of healing past pain and promoting physical, emotional, and spiritual health.
Too often, people of faith are taught to ignore, avoid, or forget our bodies, but Alisa reminds us that God calls our bodies good and cares about our pain. Offering a variety of physical and spiritual practices as well as stories from her own journey, Alisa walks us through six steps for metabolizing personal pain; shows us how understanding the mind/body/soul connection can help us make healthier choices; teaches us how to achieve well-being and live for more than a number on a scale, and more!
Other features of this book include:
- adverse childhood experiences questionnaire for helping you process past pain
- movement calendar
- food journal template
You can enrich your life, celebrate your body, and find holistic wellness. Journey alongside Alisa, and discover scientifically based, biblically-sound mind-body tools to forever change how you process pain so that you can experience emotional freedom, physical renewal, and spiritual transformation.
Julie’s Review:
I rarely sign on to do book reviews because I don’t have the time. It’s very rare when I post a review from my own reading time because I’m behind on reading. Writing a review before I finish a book? Unheard of.
I felt compelled to share my thoughts on Alisa Keeton’s The Body Revelation because I receive enough feedback when I share a post here to know we live in a broken world and there are readers right now who are hurting.
I raise my hand with you.
Two years past my mom’s death, God continues to peel the onion layers of my life back, and I’m discovering things now that I believe He kept from me until I was ready to process and heal.
-I became so natural at stuffing my feelings I literally held my breath sometimes
-Anxiety has been part of my life forever, yet I never realized how much so until recently
-Stomach issues recently diagnosed I believe are in part because of stress I never dealt with
At the same time, I deal with hormonal imbalance and heavier menopause symptoms than most. My weight isn’t where I’d like it to be, but I’ve reached a place where I know it’s not time for another weight loss adventure or pyramid scheme. I want healing. If that leads to a change in my pant size, hallelujah..
Enter The Body Revelation. I read the above before the actual book release and I was intrigued. Now that I’m 2/3 done reading it, I’m transforming. My pant size? I don’t think so, and that’s okay. I’m discovering and expressing feelings. I’m asking God for help. And I’m moving more. These are all changes since I’ve started reading.
What makes this book extra special is it is more than a read. Alisa includes links with each chapter for movement. While I walk my dog, I listen to the latest chapter. She has workout music that isn’t cheesy as she leads you through the chapter. It isn’t instead of reading, but in addition to reading. She also has a meditate type link, and I listen to that before bed. The information is getting to me because I’m not just reading it. I’m hearing it, and applying it.
She also has sections to metabolize and pray, and I believe they are key.
Not only that, but her podcast has a season where it aligns with the book. I am listening to that, too.
The book contains her own story, as well as stories from people you can relate to. She includes Biblical information that backs up the principles, but isn’t preachy. She also has scientific evidence that is easy to understand but doesn’t contradict Scripture.
She says in the book that the Bible states we will have trouble. Swap out trouble for trauma. Some of our trauma is a T, and some of it is a t. All of it is painful and must be dealt with.
The Body Revelation is transforming my life and I’m only 2/3 done. Are my pants smaller? I don’t think so, not yet. However, I’m recognizing things, past and present. I’m looking at the Trauma and traumas of my life and expressing feelings, asking God for help. I’m breathing more and moving. These are all since reading. I still reach for chocolate when overwhelmed, but I’m seeing that as a choice I’m making, not blindly eating. That’s a victory. With His help, I will choose Him first.
If you’re tired of living like I was, or being in pain, I HIGHLY recommend The Body Revelation. Your body will thank you.