The Message of Jesus by Patti Shene Gonzales

It was exciting this year to realize a lifelong dream by publishing my first book. No, it will never reach the New York Times best seller list. It will probably never win a contest, but the presence of it on Amazon symbolizes a great accomplishment for me.
Cathy’s Christmas Confession is a short novella, part of the multi author Christmas Ridge Romance series. Right now, it is available on Kindle and Kindle Unlimited with plans for print availability next year.
I don’t expect many readers to go hunting for a Christmas story after December 25th. However, Cathy’s Christmas Confession carries a message of hope for the hurting, and people hurt all year long.
My main characters have both experienced the loss of a spouse. When Cathy senses a call to help David, an acquaintance from church, deal with his grief, her eyes are opened to a world that needs to hear about Jesus.
Together, as they strive to bring Christmas joy to others, Cathy and David’s relationship grows, along with a deeper understanding of their need for the Savior.
We can heal our own wounds by touching the lives of others with comfort, compassion, and kindness.
The holiday season may be drawing to a close, but the Christmas message of Jesus’s love for us is immortalized by our love for each other throughout the new year.
Blurb for Cathy’s Christmas Confession:
Christmas is not a time of joy for the hurting.
During a snowstorm, widow Cathy Fischer creams a stop sign on her way to work at the Christmas Ridge Community Church. Acquaintance David Martin stops to help. Cathy sees signs of deep grief in David, a recent widower. She reaches out with support in an attempt to help David through this most difficult first Christmas without his beloved wife.
David Martin struggles with grief over the death of his wife. He blames God for her rapid demise after her cancer diagnosis. Cathy reaches out to him with compassion and support and soon enlists him in her mission to bring joy to others at Christmas. Will their joint quest restore David’s faith?
David needs to turn loose of the past and embrace his future. Cathy has a confession to make to the entire community that may give David a different perspective of who she really is. Will her confession set her free?
Does God have plans in mind for the two of them they did not anticipate?
Cathy’s Christmas Confession: A Christmas Ridge Romance Book 3 buy link (
Available on Kindle and Kindle Unlimited
Check out our Amazon Christmas Ridge Romance page ( to learn about other books in the series and receive updates!

Patti Shene Gonzales hosts Step Into the Light, a weekly interview style podcast, where guests share their journey out of darkness or ways they lead others back to light. She hosts writers on her two blogs, Patti’s Porch and The Over 50 Writer. Patti is published in two anthologies and local publications and has three novels in progress. She enjoys writing, reading, critiquing, and spending time with family and friends. Patti lives in Colorado with her devoted feline companion, Duncan. Cathy’s Christmas Confession is her first novella.
Visit Patti at her website
Patti, congratulations on your book. What a blessing!
Patti, so proud of your great accomplishment. I’ve read your book. It’s such a sweet story, and you’re right–the message can permeate readers all year long.
Hi Becky and June! Thank you so much for stopping by and for your support!
Julie, thank you for hosting me.
May you each be richly blessed in 2023!
Patti, so glad you could be here. Becky and June, thank you for stopping by!