When Valleys Bloom Again by Pat Jeanne Davis

Excerpt from When Valleys Bloom Again
Christmas 1941
“I have in past years spoken about the blessings of this season and how we may count on God’s grace for the coming year,” William said, addressing the staff assembled in the great hall five days before Christmas. “That’s still true, but it’s evident that this Christmas is different.”
A log fire roared up into the wide stone chimney. Abby turned to Jim and whispered,“I’m worried for uncle. He looks so tired.”
Jim leaned into her shoulder and squeezed her hand.
William knocked out his pipe against the mantelpiece. “Things will go on being different for some time to come.” He reached out to Valerie, drawing her to him. “We’ve entered an historic phase in the course of our beloved country with far-reaching effects. I expect some form of rationing will be brought in.” Will cleared his throat before continuing. “So things may get tight around here. Jolie Fontaine has the resources to keep going, but we may have to trim our cloth.” He raised his hand, as if to forestall comments. “But I don’t intend to let anyone go. Some of you may be called up or choose to enlist. However things turn out, I want you to know my wife and I appreciate your loyal service.” He paused then chuckled. ”Speech over. Let’s eat and get on with the celebration.”
After the festivities in the house were over, Jim and Abby drove to a nearby lake. He arranged wood over a bed of stones and started a fire.
“Thankfully the surface is solid for skating,” Abby said, inhaling the scent of smoke that hung on the breeze.
Dressed in a red skating outfit and white fur hat, she propped herself against an oak tree, while he helped her on with a pair of white skates. They glided across the ice, taking the occasional tumble.
Returning to the fire to warm up, Abby studied Jim’s profile in the flickering light as he stared into the distance. Something’s on his mind.
He turned toward her, then looked away. “I’ve been called up,” he said before clearing his throat. “If I pass the examination, I’ll leave soon after.”
She struggled for some intelligent response. “I … I guess we knew it was bound to happen,” she said, preparing herself for an adjustment in the mood of the evening.
The fire flared up and sparks shot into the night air. “Need to be at the induction center early in January.”
“Early January, but that’s only a few weeks away.” she said, tears stinging her eyelids.
Jim jumped to his feet, snapped a branch in two and crouched by the fire.“You will wait for me?” he said, poised for her response.
Large fluffy snowflakes drifted down as Christmas lights from nearby houses flickered through swaying branches. She had tried to picture what form his proposal might take—though she’d expected something less oblique. But this was so natural, so like Jim.
“Maybe I shouldn’t ask.” He came and sat beside her, eyes lowered. “What right have I to suppose you would want to marry me,” he said, his voice soft and pleading.
It was all she could do to maintain her composure as her heart thudded away and her mind whirled around. She didn’t doubt that she loved him … but. Again, she tried to say something, but her throat swelled with questions. The snow fell faster. Putting her arm around his shoulder, she traced a gloved finger down the side of his face. “I can’t give you my answer now. Give me a little time?”
He looked up and gazed into her eyes. “As much as you need,” he said, taking her hand.
When Valleys Bloom Again
A Wartime Romance Set On Two Continents
by Pat Jeanne Davis
After fleeing impending war in England, nineteen-year-old Abby Stapleton works to correct her stammer and to become a teacher in America, only to discover this conflict has no boundaries and that a rejected suitor is intent on destroying her name, fiancé, and fragile faith.
Back Book Cover Description on When Valleys Bloom Again:
As war approaches in 1939 Abby Stapleton’s safety is under threat. Her father, a British diplomat, insists she go back to America until the danger passes. Abby vows to return to her home in London—but where is home? With her family facing mortal danger so far away and feeling herself isolated, she finds it hard to pray or read the Bible. Did she leave God behind in war-torn London too? Then Abby becomes friendly with Jim, a gardener on her uncle’s estate.
Jim can’t get Abby out of his mind. Did she have a sweetheart in England? Was it foolish to think she’d consider him? He curses his poverty and the disgrace of his father’s desertion and drunkenness haunts him. Can he learn to believe in love for a lifetime and to hope for a happy marriage?
Abby couldn’t know the war would last a long time, nor that she would fall in love with Jim—soon to be drafted by the U.S. Army—or that she’d have to confront Henri, a rejected suitor, determined by his lies to ruin her reputation and destroy her faith in God’s providence. Will she discover the true meaning of home?

PAT JEANNE DAVIS has a keen interest in 20th Century United States and British history, particularly the period of World War II. Her longtime interest in that era goes back to the real-life stories she heard about family members who served during the war. When Valleys Bloom Again is a debut inspirational romance set in WWII. She enjoys flower gardening, genealogy research and traveling with her British-born husband. She writes from her home n Philadelphia, Pa. Pat has published essays, short stories and articles online and in print. She is a member of American Christian Fiction Writers.
When Valleys Bloom Again can be purchased here: Amazon.com
Barnes & Noble: https://www.barnesandnoble.com/w/when-valleys-bloom-again-pat-jeanne-davis/1130351044?ean=9781948888912
ChristianBooks.com: https://familyfiction.christianbook.com/when-valleys-bloom-again/9781948888929/pd/888932?event=ESRCG
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Thank you, Julie, for having me on your blog today.
Pat, it was my pleasure. That’s a gorgeous book cover!