Tabitha Bouldin: Trial by Patience
Trial by Patience
Danny Solomon owns and operates Break Away Acres, an equine therapy center for abused kids and teens. Phoenix Nichols is his new trail guide, but her history and her pain put her in need of Danny’s help. After years of abuse, both Danny and Phoenix struggle to find their place. While Danny is happy with the world he’s created at Break Away, Phoenix is ready to bolt at every shifting shadow. When her past drags her back, Danny will be left to pick up the pieces. Can he show Phoenix the way to God? Will Phoenix finally find a safe place to land?
Book Excerpt:
Danny reached for his tray and made his way over to where Richard sat finishing the last of his French fries. The mountain of ketchup threatened to drip over the tray’s edge and onto the table. Richard swiped it away with one finger then popped the finger in his mouth.
Danny slid onto the bench and reached for his water while Phoenix settled at a nearby table.
Richard motioned with his hand, calling out to Phoenix, “Hey, Phoenix, why don’t you come sit with us?”
“I’d rather sit on a bucking bronco made out of cactus, but thanks anyway.” She delivered the line with such venom, Danny choked on his water while Gail roared with laughter.
Danny beat his chest with one fist, coughing until the water went to the right place.
Richard’s face went three different shades of red before he recovered enough to shove away from the table.
Phoenix moved, the scrape of her chair grating across his nerves like a dull knife. Her tray landed on the table with a bang, sending food bouncing into the air.
Before either of them could lunge, Danny stood. He put one hand out to Richard and pointed at Phoenix with the other, making sure they understood he should not be crossed. Not on this. Not on anything.
“All right, you two. It’s obvious this is going to be a stretch between you, but I don’t allow fighting. That is my one, fast, unbreakable rule. If you can’t accept that rule, then take a long trip back to town right now. You won’t get another warning. If there is a next time, you will be kicked off the premises and there won’t be a return.”

Tabitha Bouldin is a student at Southern New Hampshire University, where she is currently pursuing her Bachelor’s in Creative Writing. As a member of American Christian Fiction Writers (ACFW), she works with critique groups and provides endorsements for other authors. Tabitha has been writing for over five years and recently self-published several works, which include: Trial by Courage, Trial by Faith, Macy’s Dream, Christmas in Jingle Junction, and Wish Upon a Star. Later this year, Trial by Patience will join the team. Tabitha’s genre of choice is Contemporary Christian Romance which she describes as: Adventure with heart.