FREE & Discounted Julie Arduini Books This Weekend!
On October 22, 2014, A Miracle of Hope won Clash of the Titles’ Laurel Award. During a six-week period, the novel’s first 3,500 words were read and judged by avid readers of Christian fiction who determined it to be the worthiest to receive the 2014 Laurel Award. Clash of the Titles extends a heartfelt congratulations…
Interview with Almira “Emilie” Crawford Wheeler from Love in Disguise Hello, Emilie. It is great to have you here today. Tell us a little bit about yourself, e.g., parents, siblings, and where you live. Thank you for allowing me to be your guest. I am 28-years-old and am the only child of Cecelia and Ernest…
So many of you were kind enough to read the original ENTRUSTED and have been so patient. You’ve asked when is the next book coming out? Well, hold on. We are so close to release. Today, I give you the cover. ENTANGLED: Surrendering the Past is Carla’s story and I’m excited to share it with…
Hard week? Take heart, it’s Wednesday. All over cyberspace bloggers are posting images and Bible verses for the glory of God. I know when I read the posts they inspire, challenge, and transform me. May the same happen for you! I’m not perfect and neither…
I can’t believe we’re looking at the last day of 2013. It’s also the celebration of my surrender. Seven years ago I promised God I’d give Him my fears of rejection and start writing for Him. I created a blog that very night. And the rest they say is history. One of my favorite things…
Each Sunday I share an amateur nature photo I took along with a thought or two about God’s love for you. This was a picture snapped early in our 2010 Outer Banks vacation. By the end of the week, it was gone. It reminds me of a true…
On October 22, 2014, A Miracle of Hope won Clash of the Titles’ Laurel Award. During a six-week period, the novel’s first 3,500 words were read and judged by avid readers of Christian fiction who determined it to be the worthiest to receive the 2014 Laurel Award. Clash of the Titles extends a heartfelt congratulations…
Interview with Almira “Emilie” Crawford Wheeler from Love in Disguise Hello, Emilie. It is great to have you here today. Tell us a little bit about yourself, e.g., parents, siblings, and where you live. Thank you for allowing me to be your guest. I am 28-years-old and am the only child of Cecelia and Ernest…
So many of you were kind enough to read the original ENTRUSTED and have been so patient. You’ve asked when is the next book coming out? Well, hold on. We are so close to release. Today, I give you the cover. ENTANGLED: Surrendering the Past is Carla’s story and I’m excited to share it with…
Hard week? Take heart, it’s Wednesday. All over cyberspace bloggers are posting images and Bible verses for the glory of God. I know when I read the posts they inspire, challenge, and transform me. May the same happen for you! I’m not perfect and neither…
I can’t believe we’re looking at the last day of 2013. It’s also the celebration of my surrender. Seven years ago I promised God I’d give Him my fears of rejection and start writing for Him. I created a blog that very night. And the rest they say is history. One of my favorite things…
Each Sunday I share an amateur nature photo I took along with a thought or two about God’s love for you. This was a picture snapped early in our 2010 Outer Banks vacation. By the end of the week, it was gone. It reminds me of a true…
On October 22, 2014, A Miracle of Hope won Clash of the Titles’ Laurel Award. During a six-week period, the novel’s first 3,500 words were read and judged by avid readers of Christian fiction who determined it to be the worthiest to receive the 2014 Laurel Award. Clash of the Titles extends a heartfelt congratulations…
Interview with Almira “Emilie” Crawford Wheeler from Love in Disguise Hello, Emilie. It is great to have you here today. Tell us a little bit about yourself, e.g., parents, siblings, and where you live. Thank you for allowing me to be your guest. I am 28-years-old and am the only child of Cecelia and Ernest…
So many of you were kind enough to read the original ENTRUSTED and have been so patient. You’ve asked when is the next book coming out? Well, hold on. We are so close to release. Today, I give you the cover. ENTANGLED: Surrendering the Past is Carla’s story and I’m excited to share it with…
Hard week? Take heart, it’s Wednesday. All over cyberspace bloggers are posting images and Bible verses for the glory of God. I know when I read the posts they inspire, challenge, and transform me. May the same happen for you! I’m not perfect and neither…
I can’t believe we’re looking at the last day of 2013. It’s also the celebration of my surrender. Seven years ago I promised God I’d give Him my fears of rejection and start writing for Him. I created a blog that very night. And the rest they say is history. One of my favorite things…
Each Sunday I share an amateur nature photo I took along with a thought or two about God’s love for you. This was a picture snapped early in our 2010 Outer Banks vacation. By the end of the week, it was gone. It reminds me of a true…