Most biographies don’t allow enough words to share everything about yourself, especially in a guest blog post or something like that. Of the many things I’d love others to know, one is that I enjoy taking nature pictures.
I share them on Instagram and Facebook. My mom suggested I make sure I have hard copies of the pictures. I have only used my phone camera, so the pix have always been my Galaxy at the time, or currently, my iPhone 8. Each Christmas I present her with the year’s worth of pictures I took.
While I organized them for her, there were a few that stood out. I thought I would share them here.
August 2017, Highway Tabernacle in Youngstown. I finished up a book club meeting on the property and turned toward the church. The sun was setting, and this just is peaceful to me.This was the eclipse in NE Ohio. I closed my eyes and took a series of pictures. I couldn’t believe any turned out. This is in between the trees.My kids know if there is a good picture and I’m driving, they take it for me. This is my daughter’s handiwork, and I love it. A perfect visual of rural life.Hydrangeas from our yard. I feel like I could reach out and touch them.This is my hometown, Corning, NY, and historic Market Street. I love the lights and snowflakes.This year I wanted to get a couple fog pictures. This isn’t far from our neighborhood.I feel like I captured the fog!
I wear a few hats in what makes me “me.” One I don’t write too much about but takes a big chunk of my life is an intercessor. Someone who prayerfully stands in the gap. Prayer Warrior. I’m always “on duty,” getting nudges during conversations, sermons, during a deep sleep, or in the shower. But…
Dear Reader, This is the story of one of the most courageous, radically obedient people we know. Tracy Evans, a physician assistant, has treated rebel guerillas while captive on an Asian island. She’s sipped tea in a Mozambican hut while bullets whistled through the grass…
New Release: Romantic Thriller by H. L. Wegley – No Safe Place Matt Mathison, a young man returning from the far country trying to regain his honor, and Randi Richards, a young woman with a heart broken by her parents’ rejection because of her newfound faith, each have what the other needs. But will the…
God’s Grace in Our Grumbling On January 1, 2013, I started a writing challenge my husband suggested for the new year. He said, “Janetta, Day 1, you’ll write 365 words. Day 2, 364 words. And so on. Then on December thirty-one, you’ll only have to type one word.” He’s my brainstorming buddy, but this idea…
As I’ve mentioned, I’m summarizing the different ways my 2015 word for the year, revive, played out in and around me. Spiritual revive was a biggie. I didn’t know how burned out and vulnerable I was until I was under attack. Although I don’t say much here, prayer, especially standing in the gap for others,…
S-A-T-UR-DAY! This is where I think about what’s on my mind and share it here. Otherwise known as Character Confession. I’m not mean but mean is on my mind. Mean girls probably go back further than the example I have in mind, the girl Laura Ingalls Wilder talked about that on…
I wear a few hats in what makes me “me.” One I don’t write too much about but takes a big chunk of my life is an intercessor. Someone who prayerfully stands in the gap. Prayer Warrior. I’m always “on duty,” getting nudges during conversations, sermons, during a deep sleep, or in the shower. But…
Dear Reader, This is the story of one of the most courageous, radically obedient people we know. Tracy Evans, a physician assistant, has treated rebel guerillas while captive on an Asian island. She’s sipped tea in a Mozambican hut while bullets whistled through the grass…
New Release: Romantic Thriller by H. L. Wegley – No Safe Place Matt Mathison, a young man returning from the far country trying to regain his honor, and Randi Richards, a young woman with a heart broken by her parents’ rejection because of her newfound faith, each have what the other needs. But will the…
God’s Grace in Our Grumbling On January 1, 2013, I started a writing challenge my husband suggested for the new year. He said, “Janetta, Day 1, you’ll write 365 words. Day 2, 364 words. And so on. Then on December thirty-one, you’ll only have to type one word.” He’s my brainstorming buddy, but this idea…
As I’ve mentioned, I’m summarizing the different ways my 2015 word for the year, revive, played out in and around me. Spiritual revive was a biggie. I didn’t know how burned out and vulnerable I was until I was under attack. Although I don’t say much here, prayer, especially standing in the gap for others,…
S-A-T-UR-DAY! This is where I think about what’s on my mind and share it here. Otherwise known as Character Confession. I’m not mean but mean is on my mind. Mean girls probably go back further than the example I have in mind, the girl Laura Ingalls Wilder talked about that on…
I wear a few hats in what makes me “me.” One I don’t write too much about but takes a big chunk of my life is an intercessor. Someone who prayerfully stands in the gap. Prayer Warrior. I’m always “on duty,” getting nudges during conversations, sermons, during a deep sleep, or in the shower. But…
Dear Reader, This is the story of one of the most courageous, radically obedient people we know. Tracy Evans, a physician assistant, has treated rebel guerillas while captive on an Asian island. She’s sipped tea in a Mozambican hut while bullets whistled through the grass…
New Release: Romantic Thriller by H. L. Wegley – No Safe Place Matt Mathison, a young man returning from the far country trying to regain his honor, and Randi Richards, a young woman with a heart broken by her parents’ rejection because of her newfound faith, each have what the other needs. But will the…
God’s Grace in Our Grumbling On January 1, 2013, I started a writing challenge my husband suggested for the new year. He said, “Janetta, Day 1, you’ll write 365 words. Day 2, 364 words. And so on. Then on December thirty-one, you’ll only have to type one word.” He’s my brainstorming buddy, but this idea…
As I’ve mentioned, I’m summarizing the different ways my 2015 word for the year, revive, played out in and around me. Spiritual revive was a biggie. I didn’t know how burned out and vulnerable I was until I was under attack. Although I don’t say much here, prayer, especially standing in the gap for others,…
S-A-T-UR-DAY! This is where I think about what’s on my mind and share it here. Otherwise known as Character Confession. I’m not mean but mean is on my mind. Mean girls probably go back further than the example I have in mind, the girl Laura Ingalls Wilder talked about that on…