About Bearing Witness: Stories of Martyrdom and Costly Discipleship
From the stoning of Stephen in the first-century Jerusalem to Nigerian Christians persecuted by Boko Haram in 2015, these stirring accounts will inspire greater faithfulness to the way of Jesus, reminding believers what costly discipleship looks like in any age. Bearing Witness brings together dozens of accounts from around the world of Christians who gave witness to their faith in the face of intense persecution, even if it costs them their lives.
In selecting stories for this book, the editors focused on Anabaptist martyrs and others who suffered for their commitment to believer’s baptism and nonviolence.
Bearing Witness is a powerful reminder, especially in light of how fast things are changing around us, the high price many before us have paid to follow Jesus. Although many stories were familiar to me, I learned quite a bit. The stories are full of history, but not too academic. The stories span the globe and are filled with names you’ll recognize, and those you won’t. I finished the book resolved not to take my faith for granted.
I believe readers will appreciate Bearing Witness for the same reasons.
I received Bearing Witness from the publisher in exchange for an honest review.
Guest post by Jennifer Slattery Last week, Clash of the Titles launched their first annual Tournament of Champions with two clashes and four talented authors. In Clash one, CS Lakin, author of Someone to Blame, and Marianne Evans, author of Heart Crossing, went head-to-head in a nail-biting, literary duel. In Clash two, our very own…
Clash of the Titles is having a BIRTHDAY BASH! During the week of September 15-23 COTT will be conducting FOUR giveaways, one for each year we’ve been promoting Christian fiction. During these giveaways, TWENTY of our former champions will be donating 62 copies of their books! You read right–62 novels! (Distributed among four different…
Welcome to our March release Clash! Spring is coming, and we have some amazing backyard patio reads for you. Take a look at the compelling covers below and answer one question: Which one is a MUST for your to-be-read pile? Go ahead and vote below. Be sure to check back for the winner on Thursday,…
The last book review of 2012 from none other than Sheri Rose Shepherd. Her latest? Your Heart’s Desire–14 Truths that will Forever Change the Way You Love and Are Loved. I first learned of Sheri Rose from her His Princess: Love Letters from the King. To this day I receive a letter in my inbox…
Let me finish that. I stopped asking for prayer requests. Did you notice? Every so often across social media I would use an image like this and ask if anyone had any prayer needs. I noted I would be happy to pray. I probably did this for years, my guess between 2016 and earlier this…
Each Sunday I share my own nature picture along with a word or two about God’s love. I could look at this picture all day. Take a look at it as a featured image by the post and as a slideshow image on my website homepage. Come back often. I’m so glad you’re reading with me today!
Guest post by Jennifer Slattery Last week, Clash of the Titles launched their first annual Tournament of Champions with two clashes and four talented authors. In Clash one, CS Lakin, author of Someone to Blame, and Marianne Evans, author of Heart Crossing, went head-to-head in a nail-biting, literary duel. In Clash two, our very own…
Clash of the Titles is having a BIRTHDAY BASH! During the week of September 15-23 COTT will be conducting FOUR giveaways, one for each year we’ve been promoting Christian fiction. During these giveaways, TWENTY of our former champions will be donating 62 copies of their books! You read right–62 novels! (Distributed among four different…
Welcome to our March release Clash! Spring is coming, and we have some amazing backyard patio reads for you. Take a look at the compelling covers below and answer one question: Which one is a MUST for your to-be-read pile? Go ahead and vote below. Be sure to check back for the winner on Thursday,…
The last book review of 2012 from none other than Sheri Rose Shepherd. Her latest? Your Heart’s Desire–14 Truths that will Forever Change the Way You Love and Are Loved. I first learned of Sheri Rose from her His Princess: Love Letters from the King. To this day I receive a letter in my inbox…
Let me finish that. I stopped asking for prayer requests. Did you notice? Every so often across social media I would use an image like this and ask if anyone had any prayer needs. I noted I would be happy to pray. I probably did this for years, my guess between 2016 and earlier this…
Each Sunday I share my own nature picture along with a word or two about God’s love. I could look at this picture all day. Take a look at it as a featured image by the post and as a slideshow image on my website homepage. Come back often. I’m so glad you’re reading with me today!
Guest post by Jennifer Slattery Last week, Clash of the Titles launched their first annual Tournament of Champions with two clashes and four talented authors. In Clash one, CS Lakin, author of Someone to Blame, and Marianne Evans, author of Heart Crossing, went head-to-head in a nail-biting, literary duel. In Clash two, our very own…
Clash of the Titles is having a BIRTHDAY BASH! During the week of September 15-23 COTT will be conducting FOUR giveaways, one for each year we’ve been promoting Christian fiction. During these giveaways, TWENTY of our former champions will be donating 62 copies of their books! You read right–62 novels! (Distributed among four different…
Welcome to our March release Clash! Spring is coming, and we have some amazing backyard patio reads for you. Take a look at the compelling covers below and answer one question: Which one is a MUST for your to-be-read pile? Go ahead and vote below. Be sure to check back for the winner on Thursday,…
The last book review of 2012 from none other than Sheri Rose Shepherd. Her latest? Your Heart’s Desire–14 Truths that will Forever Change the Way You Love and Are Loved. I first learned of Sheri Rose from her His Princess: Love Letters from the King. To this day I receive a letter in my inbox…
Let me finish that. I stopped asking for prayer requests. Did you notice? Every so often across social media I would use an image like this and ask if anyone had any prayer needs. I noted I would be happy to pray. I probably did this for years, my guess between 2016 and earlier this…
Each Sunday I share my own nature picture along with a word or two about God’s love. I could look at this picture all day. Take a look at it as a featured image by the post and as a slideshow image on my website homepage. Come back often. I’m so glad you’re reading with me today!