Introducing Surrendered Scribe Media

What a year this has been already! I now see why my words for the year are fierce and perspective. It takes fierce determination to surrender my plans for God’s and move forward with them.
Through other transitions (namely my husband announcing his job change that allows him to work from home, something that has evolved from twice a week to every day,) I’ve pushed through fear, doubts and constant hisses from the true defeated one that I’ll never succeed. That I heard God wrong.
Yet, here I am. The state of Ohio now recognizes what I do as Surrendered Scribe Media. Any books I release will be under this name. The speaking I plan to market in the near future will fall under the SSM umbrella.
I went with the cupcake with a bite taken out because many relate to my tagline.
Encouraging you to surrender the good, the bad, and—maybe one day—the chocolate.
I’ll be cheering audiences on as they let go of good things—my writing journey was good but this year God asked me to change it, surrender what I was doing and change course. He’ll ask similar things of you. There’s the bad stuff to surrender—worry, gossip, toxic people/choices. But there’s also those things where you know down the road God will ask you to surrender something, but not today. And if you’re like me and chocolate, you’re happy about that.
Tomorrow I will share the cover for ENTRUSTED: SURRENDERING THE PRESENT, the re release of my first book in the re branded Surrendering Time series, followed by the NEW release, ENTANGLED: SURRENDERING THE PAST. The last book in the series is ENGAGED: SURRENDERING THE FUTURE. I will be including that cover in my bookmarks and business cards, so let me know if you’d like one so you can be one of the first in the know.
It’s a scary time, but it’s an exciting one. There’s nothing that feels better than knowing you are doing what God created you to do. I look forward to partnering with you as YOU find freedom through surrender. I hope the resources I will be offering will encourage you.
FREE resources available now:
Surrender Issues and Chocolate: This is my monthly newsletter filled with encouragement, writing updates, recipes, Reader of the Month profiles, contests and more.
Sunday’s Surrender and Chocolate: This is a brief, weekly email designed to give you encouragement as you start your week. Each issue also includes a chocolate mention.
Surrendered Scribe Media Promotions: When I have a new release, discounts, or any other promotions, I’ll send an alert. This will only be sent when there is a need for you to know.
Well done, Julie! I’m so proud of you for stepping out in obedience and surrender. You are an inspiration.
Kathleen, thank you. That is so sweet. You inspire me as well.