Sweet Surrender by Alexis A. Goring
Julie’s Note: Throughout 2016 I will have guest bloggers sharing their surrender stories. Today, Alexis A. Goring shares her sweet surrender.
Sweet Surrender
A guest post by Alexis A. Goring
Sugar. Refined sugar. It was my solace, my relief, my healing from emotional trauma.
Since age 16, sugar had been my source of healing from emotional trauma, my relief from mental stresses and a primary cause of weight gain and preventer of clear skin.
But the last four years had been intense when it came to my love affair with refined sugar. I had a lot going on in my life and turned to sugar so much that to me, the choice was simple: sugar or my sanity! I truly believed that in order to remain sane and able to cope with life, I needed sugar. I craved it. I thought I could not live without it.
Just like anyone in a toxic relationship, I tried to breakup with sugar but it wouldn’t let me.
Just as I started to step closer to freedom, something would happen or I’d remember a sad situation or traumatic event and my cravings for sugar would peak then rush in like a hurricane that wrestled with me and would not let me go until I gave in and ate a sugary treat.
Cake, cupcakes, cookies, candy—I loved it all. Nothing could soothe a hurting heart like a gallon of ice cream or a slice of chocolate cake. No one could comfort me like a chocolate chip cookie or a slice of peach pie. Not even Jesus. Yes, sad but true. I found comfort in food, not Christ. And therein lies the source of my problem.
So by Spring 2015, I knew I needed deliverance. And I knew that I needed prayer support in order to break free. So I asked a dear friend of mine who is like a world-class prayer warrior, to pray for me. I asked her to pray that God helps me break free from the stronghold of sugar. I’d prayed about it plenty of times by myself but I didn’t follow through with exercising my willpower because I felt overpowered by my desire for sugar. But I knew that if I had someone else who supported my desire to be free from this stronghold and was strong in their walk with the Lord, praying for me then my chances of success would be greater. So I confided in Summer and she told me that I needed to fast and pray, not just pray, to get my breakthrough.
I decided to do a fast from refined sugar for 40 days and 40 nights. The day before I started it, I called Summer and told her my plans then asked her to pray for me. Summer prayed. I fasted (and prayed). It wasn’t easy but God helped to wean me off of refined sugar. When I wanted dessert, I reached for a nectarine. At first, it was tough but I kept praying and fasting. I did NOT give in or give up. Halfway through the fast, nectarines started tasting sweeter and better than dessert. Toward the end of my fast, I didn’t crave sugar and after the 40th day and 40th night of my sugar surrender, I was set free!
God gave me that breakthrough and to this day, I do not crave refined sugar. Since then, I try my best to choose foods that are healthy. Sugar-free smoothies and fresh fruit are the way to go when you’re craving something sweet and it benefits your body with the nourishment and nutrition that your body craves.
I am so grateful to God for setting me free from the stronghold of sugar! I praise Him for my breakthrough and thank Him for friends like Summer who pray for God to help me to surrender to Him the things that are holding me back from living a life free of strongholds.
If you are struggling with a stronghold, I encourage you to surrender your struggle to God. Fast, pray and surround yourself with God-fearing, Bible-believing people who can pray for your surrender and victory.
Trust me, it works and it’s worth it!

Author bio: Alexis A. Goring is a writer at heart and a journalist by profession. She loves the art of storytelling and is especially delighted to have released her first book, an inspirational romance novella called Hope in My Heart: A Collection of Heartwarming Stories, in Sept. 2013. When Alexis is not working on her next book or chasing down the next big story for the newspaper where she works as a freelance reporter, she can be found listening to songs by her most admired musicians, enjoying the food in cafes/restaurants, shopping at her favorite malls and spending quality time with loved ones (family and friends).
Book blurb:
Hope in My Heart is a collection of short, heartwarming stories with characters in need of hope.
In “Love Unexpected,” a car crash brings commitment-wary Sebastian and career woman Chandra together. Neither is looking for romance, but those around them see the potential, and Sebastian and Chandra discover that sometimes love shows up unexpectedly.
Christmastime is the setting for the middle story, “The Best Gift.” Christina desires to lose ten pounds so she can fit into her dress for her sister’s wedding. Jordan wishes her mom would stop trying to marry her off. And Joshua hopes to be reunited with his ex-girlfriend but eventually learns that the best gift this Christmas will be the restoration of his relationship with God.
In “Peace and Love,” three characters living in a metropolitan area are desperately searching. Elle, a starving artist, aspires to become a paid professional. Eric, a divorce attorney, wants to resolve his issues concerning his parents’ divorce. Kristine anticipates finding her birth mom before she marries Derek. All characters pray their searches will conclude this holiday season and fill their hearts with peace and love.
Purchase links:
Amazon.com – http://amzn.to/1OfVasC
BarnesandNoble.com – http://bit.ly/1Tm5T4P
Social media links:
Author page on Facebook, https://www.facebook.com/AuthorAlexisAGoring
Blog, “God is Love” – http://capturingtheidea.blogspot.com
Twitter handle, @pennedbyalex
Alexis, it’s great you shared this story – so many will be able to relate. I stopped eating refined sugar in 1978 (before you were born, maybe?) and am so glad I did. A doc’s advice motivated me, and what a wonderful change it made.
Thanks for your comments, Gail! I am happy that you were able to relate to my story and hope that others will too!