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Sabbath Sunday: When You Lose Your Way

September2015construction Last month I shared that I had to take a detour and although inconvenient, without it I never would have found a beautiful lake at sunset.

The detour is now done and a new bridge constructed. Guess what?

Because I haven’t driven this route in months, I forgot my way.

I had to really focus to remember what lane I needed and how to get to my destination.

Then it hit me.

This year my God-given theme is revive. I learned how burned out I was and took steps to recapture my time with Him and find that revival for me.

I’d let so much of life, even good things like serving, dictate what I was going to do and when. I pushed away devotional time in favor of getting more done. It didn’t take long before I was cranky, tempted and just plain tired. When I tried to fix things myself, I was lost.

I forgot my way.

With the new bridge, there were signs that helped me find my way. Directions to guide me to my destination.

So it is with my life.

Here are steps I’ve taken so I don’t get lost:

  • Daily reading plan on my Bible app. Takes minutes, effects are for a lifetime.

  • Bible studies with the Women’s Bible Café.

  • Verse Mapping. I looked up how to do this on Google and pretty much follow their advice.

  • Verse Art. I’m a terrible artist, but I try to take a word or phrase and on the margin and make that stand out with some kind of lettering or color.

Have you forgotten your way? Ask God to show you His directions to find your way back. He is faithful.


Julie Arduini image, Western Reserve Rd., Rte 164 bridge.

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