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COTT: Olympia Finalists Announced

Julie’s note: Olympia finalists! This is a contest I entered, and I’m so glad I did. I didn’t make it past round two, but I received excellent feedback. Writers, keep an eye out for future contests. Readers, Clash of the Titles depends on your votes for clashes. Make sure you bookmark their site and visit often.

Today brings Clash of the Titles to the end of Round Two of our first annual Olympia Award.

Olympia Seal

The Olympia is a literary contest dedicated to Christian fiction and offered only to unpublished writers. In Round Two, the first 3,000 words of
entrants’ manuscripts were read and scored by non-industry readers.

A hearty THANK YOU to each of these women who set aside a portion of their time for this contest. Without them, the Olympia would not be.

Of all our submissions, only the top three scores move on to Round Three.

Those scores go to manuscripts belonging to:

Bethany Kaczmarek

Laura McClellan

Elaine Manders

Our warmest congratulations to these three authors!

During Round Three, their manuscript excerpts will be read and scored by the following generous individuals:

DEBORAH RANEY–award-winning author

AMANDA LUEDEKE–literary Agent of Macgregor Literary

STEVE HUTSON–literary Agent of WordWise Media

The winner will be announced Friday, March 01, 2013.

Best wishes to our finalists!

The remainder of the contest’s entrants can expect to receive their scores
by Friday, January 25.

In the meantime, stop by COTT and vote for your favorite book this week: www.clashofthetitles.com

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