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Sabbath Sunday: I Got This

Each Sunday I like to post one of my amateur nature pictures along with a thought about God, in hopes that it encourages you on this day of rest. You can love it, hate it, agree, disagree, but know this, you didn’t find this post by accident.

I shared a couple weeks ago on Facebook about my lack of peace regarding something in my life that has burned me and left me emotionally scarred, if you will. My something is most likely different than yours, but when this thing comes to my attention, my stomach tightens, my mind reels, and my peace is gone, by my own choice. I stew, worry, fret, and spiral into a depression and pity party.

In the midst of this, I was in the car alone and just shared my thoughts. If you think I’m a formal praying person, you’re wrong. I’m not in religion, I’m in relationship. God is my Father, Jesus is my friend, and the Holy Spirit is my teacher. They are my life, and I’m honest with them. They can handle it, so no fancy, dancing around the topic for me. I laid it all out, and questioned why this keeps happening.

Three words came to mind.

I got this.

Instantly my mind kicks into overdrive. I got this, how empowering! Yes, I got this. I’ll call here, demand that, write here, send there….and in that deep place in my heart where the deepest love and wisdom from above flow, all thoughts were disrupted.

“Not you, me. I got this.”

Every worry that started to form immediately halted with those three words. Dental bills-I got this. Flexcard-I got this. Co-pays? I got this. Child’s future? I got this. Direction? I got this.

God wants you to know He's Got This

Julie Arduini, my daughter, my sassy darling—I. Got. This.

I’m neither a scholar or a kook, just a surrendered Child of God always willing to hear His voice, and He doesn’t disappoint. God is not a cruel taskmaster, nor is He a puppet master, laughing it up as He pulls strings. He wants relationship, to share with you. Reveal things, love you, tell you serious things, tell you funny things. All you have to do is ask. Know that the bridge I show above is a visual for me—that I have the connection with God that I do because I believe Him. I don’t just believe in Him, I believe Him. I believe His Son is that bridge that gives me access to see from His perspective, because I ask. I’m still human, I make mistakes, I doubt, pout, and everything in between.

But make no mistake, I hear his voice.

And if you’re willing, so can you.

If worries have you without peace today, trade my name in the sentence for yours.

(Your Name), I got this.

And with a mustard seed size faith, so small I can barely hold onto it when I touch such a seed, believe that He does.

And watch that peace return.

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13 years ago

Woo Hoo, I got this.