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A Merry Christmas Message: Even in the Fog

Ah, Sunday. It’s a day to relax. Enjoy your family. For me, I also worship and fellowship at my local church even though my faith is a daily part of my life. Here, I also share my own amateur nature photo and a thought or two on God’s love for you.

December is supposed to be the happiest time of the year. Sleigh rides, hot cocoa, beautiful Christmas lights, and caroling.

Okay, maybe it’s more like the cat climbing the tree. Christmas concerts where it’s one rendition of Jingle Bells on third grade recorders after another. Kids with the gimmes.

Stressful, right?

Well there is a bigger population where December is bleak. They spend the month in a daze, trying to put one foot in front of another. It might be the first Christmas without a loved one. Relationships aren’t always at their peek in December. Couples break up. Marriages crumble. Parents still get the call in the middle of the night that their kids are in jail.  Sadly, suicide rates rise this time of the year.

If your December feels more like a fog than a celebration, please know you aren’t forgotten. There was a baby born over 2,000 years ago in a season of chaos and strife. The parents-to-be worried about provision and safety. When it was time to deliver, the most precious gift a person can experience came into the world in a barn. He wasn’t surrounded by nurses and calming music. He was greeted with a chorus of animals and the scent of their dung.

Thing is, the baby delivered under such bleak appearing circumstances chose that entrance because He came to deliver…You.

His love for you is that great, and whatever fog you’re trying to conquer, is not a cosmic joke at your expense. It’s that broken place where you, if you allow it, can not just survive, but thrive.

My hope is that you receive that gift.

And please know how loved you are, and your visiting this post today was not an accident.

Not even in the fog.

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13 years ago

Enjoyed this so much. Merry Christmas.