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Each year I ask God what His word for me to focus on might be. For 2011, it’s activation. I’m not sure exactly all this word entails, but already I see activation evident in my life.

This site move is huge activation. I realized my genius programmer husband is trained to speak certain computer languages. The language he uses for web design wasn’t exactly what I could use. When I announced I was going to leave the server and site language he knew, I understood that meant leaving a comfort zone and going forward.


So far in January I entered contests and wrote stories in a new way. I submitted greeting card text for the first time. I let go of the burdens from 2010 that really tripped me up. I realized I wanted 2011 to be about what I started writing for four years ago: writing for Him whether anyone else reads it, buys it, or cares. These accomplishments feel like…


I’m about to start a small group study with my local church. The book is Lysa TerKeurst’s Made to Crave. Although I’m not done with the book I’ve told others from what I’ve read and witnessed through other related studies and her webcast, there is something different with this book. There is something in the air that ladies are embracing more than fitting in skinny jeans.

They are hungry for God in a way I haven’t seen. They don’t know what is around the corner but get out of their way, they are rising up and heading where God leads. My friends, that is…


Is there a word or theme you’re focusing on this year? Can you relate to activation? I’d love to hear your thoughts.

By the way, I wrote about activation in my monthly newsletter. Subscribing is free and by doing so, I also send you the short story series, Discovering Nancy Struthers.

Why not activate your subscription?


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